Remove "automation@app.smartsheet.com" from sender email address
The OIT Security department at my university received a report that an email from automation@app.smartsheet.com may be phishing. We send a number of Update Requests through Smartsheet that require action from the receiving party. If the email is perceived as phishing by the recipient (or flagged as Spam by the email…
Counting Distinct items.
=IF(COUNTIF({Client Name (Pruning)}, [Client Name]@row) = 0, "", COUNT(COLLECT({Annabelle Name}, {Client Name (Pruning)}, @cell = [Client Name]@row))) The above formula works great after receiving help from a member of this community :) The formula is counting the rows with the criteria; however, there are duplicates…
Modified "Report" for client
I have a contract with 262 units that are being reported into 10 database sheets. The finished product I am looking to have is a sheet with the 262 units displayed vertically with the Projects horizontally, with the quantity reported on each project in the row of the corresponding unit. I was successfully creating cross…
Combine Contacts from multiple columns into a single cell
Allowing contact columns to be combined into a multi-select contact column would make team management and index sheets much more useful. If Columns 2 through 10 on my sheet are all contact columns, a formula like =Contact2@row + Contact3@row + Contact6@row should produce a multicontact cell, not a text cell. That would…
PROPER Function
Hi! I wanted to submit a feature request to add to Smartsheet. I organize a lot of documents that are displayed in all caps [Ex. PLEASE SUBMIT ADDITIONAL NEEDED DOCUMENTS]. I have noticed there is not an action/formula available that changes the text to PROPER like in excel [Ex. Please Submit Additional Needed Documents].…
Hello how can I produce percentage through the reports Data that are not percentage
for example - I have 5 employees who fill in online forms and I have to produce a report from all forms that will be divided into a percentage according to each employee Michal - filled 5 forms yoni - filled 5 forms total of 10 forms which means that each one of them had 50% work. i want to show it on the dashboard as a…
Dynamic View Logic should behave like Conditional Form Logic (aka "live")
Logic in Dynamic Views should work as it does in Forms - changes / info entered while filling out the form results in changes to the form based on established logic. Instead, DV Logic is applied only when a request is loaded or saved. This is a follow-up to an old discussion on Dynamic View logic behavior (here) PAIN…
Open files in a new window
A recent update in Smartsheet changed the way we view files. Previously, when you clicked on a file it opened automatically in a new tab and this meant you could have several files open at once and the ability to move between them. The update removed this function and now the file opens in a preview window with little…
Update Template
I would like to see an option to edit/update a template without using the template to create a sheet, editing the sheet, and saving as a new template. The current process creates additional templates that might have to be renamed and then removed. If we could edit the template itself, it would make the process much easier…
Merged: Rand() function
This discussion has been merged.