Why sheet requires saving when nothing changed?
This happens on 2 of my 10 sheets, and only started happening a few weeks ago. The moment I mouse over the grid of my sheet, the disk save icon immediately goes blue (enabled), thus indicating that something changed on the sheet. Thus when I now click on another sheet, a dialog window prompts me to confirm to save my…
Divide by Zero Message and IFERROR formula
I am getting a Divide by Zero Message when putting in this formula. It is correct because there are no items that fit this criteria to average. =AVG(COLLECT({Credit Granting Article Tracker Compliance}, {Credit Granting Article Tracker Month Completed}, "2", {Credit Granting Article Tracker Major?}, "No")) I attempted to…
SUM of Check Box IF Function that returns a value.
I've created several "IF" formulas on a sheet. An example of one is as follows: =IF([Kickplate Installation]1, "$42.86", ""). When the checkbox is checked, it does return my value of $42.86. However, I've also created a column to total all of the values returned. When I "Sum" the returned values from the formula, the "SUM"…
Combining cells from one sheet into a single cell on another sheet
I have a master spreadsheet with many columns (sheet1). From that, I want to create a second sheet with fewer columns (sheet2). The first column in sheet1 is 3 cells combined (=[Column1]1 + "-" + [Column2]1 + "-" + [Column3]1). In sheet2 I only need the info from Column2 and Column3. Is there any way to do this from a…
Changing % complete using a formula in another cell
I know you cannot use a formula in a "% Complete" field. Is there a way to update "% Complete" from a formula in another column (something like a "helper" column)? I have a "Task Status" column with drop down values of Not Started, In Progress, and Complete. I would like to change the value of "% Complete" when I change…
I have a connector that pulls in all tickets closed after 1/1/2020, and the points associated with each. I want to sum up the points for all tickets closed each week. My formula is: =SUMIF(Week:Week, 1, [Story Points]:[Story Points]) I did some searching and found you can't sum on formulas, and added the 'Value' column…
How Do I Get Symbols to Show?
I have formulas in place to display based on differences between two rows. I am migrating from SmartSheet Commercial to SmartsheetGov and I attempted to copy the formula displaying a green UP arrow using this formula =IF([Formula/Value1]27 >= [Formula/Value1]25, "Up", "Sideways") but field just displays the word "Sideways".
Cell values export from one project to another
Hello, We are currently managing a construction project with smartsheet and have created a Gantt Diagram and a few Dashboard to monitor several KPIs. The dashboards are updated automatically with every changes in the master project and provide up-to-date information during meeting. I would like to add curves to the…
Average Formulas
Hi all, Need help with trying to get a formula for Averaging Transit Days for certain criterias in Carrier and Origin. Ultimately I'm trying to build a dashboard of transit days for each origin location. Below if formula I am trying, but I'm not getting any output. =AVG(COLLECT([Transit Days]:[Transit Days],…
Auto-Fill Rows of Data Based on Criteria
Is there a way to have the Sheet Summary auto-fill multiple values based on a selection from a drop-down field? I would like to have "country" be the drop-down select field and based on the country selected, the fields below would populate based on the values from another sheet. Example, If Austria is selected then the…