As Excel doesn't have this limitation, neither should Smartsheet. Please allow a confirmation dialog to override. When importing from Excel, I'm left deleting five columns at a time for 5, 10, 15 minutes.
Oh gosh - I HATE when I get this message. So annoying, especially when you deal with lots of columns. I don't understand why this limit was created in the first place.
This enrages me. It was described as a setting to safeguard webapp performance in a forum reply from Smarsheet SIX YEARS AGO. The internet and the devices that access it have changed JUST A LITTLE BIT since then. This is a heinous limitation that makes me INSANE. Yet another user pain point that Smartsheet just ignores. Way to rest on those laurels.
Sometimes I just need to delete 6-10 columns and instead have to do 4 at a time because of this strange limit. If a limit must be imposed, can it possibly increased to 10? Only being able to delete 5 at a time adds too much manual work for a simple task.
There is a maximum limit of 5 columns at a time can be deleted. Would be more efficient if we can delete as many as we want at a time like excel.