How to register a cell in a Text/Number column as a date in a formula?
I have a formula from Excel that I'm trying to duplicate in SmartSheet. The formula references row1 which is a month-year (eg JAN-20). This is a duplicate for the column name so it can be interacted with in a formula. So there are 2 elements here that I need help with. Can treat a cell from a text/number column as a Date?…
Regarding Column Properties
I added a column for Status. The column property is "checkbox". On other sheets I have worked in, when you check an item as "done" or "complete" it crossed off the row. It is still visible but the text is light and there is an actual line through the row. I can't seem to duplicate this on my sheets.
Current vs. Next Due Date
We have a list of software/hardware/contract obligations. Currently it is setup to provide 30, 60, and 90 day reminders (based on current the due date) to the interested parties so our contracts and licenses do not expire. I am wondering if there is a way to update a renewal date for the following year once it has been…
Form Logic, Restrictions & Evaluating
I'm building a Form, and one of the criteria is Budget. I would like to evaluate the Budget field as they tab-off of it, before the form is submitted as I know there would be times people will enter an amount that won't be sufficient. The scenario would be - the Budget is $1,000, but based on the number of calendar days, I…
Health Ball Color Base on Start Date, End Date, and % Complete
Hello, I am relatively new to Smartsheets. I am trying to write the following formula but continue to hit an "UNPARSEABLE" Error. I am sure I am missing something but cannot find the issue. I would appreciate assistance. This is the core rule I am trying to draft. Here is my formula attempt: IF([% Complete]@row = 1,…
Outlook Add-In
How come there is only a start date when you create a task from outlook? Due date is greyed out.
Summarising Data as a Metric
We run many projects using smartsheet, each project has a seperate sheet and always adding more. We would like a metric on a dashboard to show the number of x tasks due (i.e. shop drawings or site measure) It is easy enough to count this on a single sheet using sheet summaries, but as you can't select metrics from multiple…
Dynamic numbering
Hi, I wanted to know if its possible to have the entry number as the Function + RAID item(R,A,I,D) + number. What I am looking for is for the R,A,I,D items to be named as per the functions- i.e. if its the 'first' R in Funciton1 , the result should be - Function 1. R.1 and if its the 'third' A in function 4, the result…
Formula to add 1
I am trying to figure out a formula that will add 1 to the Parent [DMR #] The below will Place a "1" at the end but I need to add count by one Like this DMR5575-1 DMR5575-2 DMR5575-3 =IF(Level1 = 0, [DMR #]1, PARENT([DMR #]1) + "-" + 1)
Is there a way to pull only the children into the report?
I am trying to have a report that shows only the lowest indented children in it. I am working on a sheet that has 4 level of indents. Workstream (indent 0), Project (indent 1), Milestone (indent 2) and Activities (indent 3). The report needs to include activities only and not any of its parents. Please let me know if there…