Consolidating output from multiple forms onto a single line in a sheet
I am quite a new user so apologies if this is quite a simple task I have a multi stage process which relies upon collecting information from 3 different sources (for which 3 forms have been developed), but as the information all relates to a single request to procure a vehicle, which is being tracked on a single sheet, i…
Suggestion — Add a formula to retrieve information about the comments in a row
It would occasionally be useful to be able to access information about comments within a formula. For instance: IF(CountRowComments() gt 0, "Has comments!", "No comments") Or even, IF(GetComment(1).Contains('error'), TBD, TBD) (Don't take the syntax too literally, but hopefully you get the idea.)
Widen attachment column
My attachment column is so narrow you can't see the paperclip icon. I can not click and drag it wider. I need colleagues to be able to see the symbol so they know something is attached. How do I fix this?
Create a Map chart?
I'm looking to create a map chart within a dashboard (namely, a chart of the United States, with data in each state visible when hovering over each state). Has anyone done this that can point me to where to get this done? I've seen them in Excel, but have had no luck for this capability in Smartsheet.
How do I set an automation without a trigger or is there a workaround to create a trigger
Hello! I am needing to set an automation to lock and unlock rows. I have the automation set to lock the row when it is changed from “open” to any other value. I need a time based function that will allow the cell to unlock a certain time period after it is locked by the first automation. Essentially I want to ensure that…
Is there a formula in smartsheet that would create a 2 way link between cells?
Hello, I have multiple sheets that I would like to link all into one Master Sheet. I want the cells to have a two linking methods between each other. If a cell changes in the Master Sheet, I want it to reflect to the other sheets and if the other sheet decides to change the cells, it would reflect back to the Master Sheet.…
How to add primary column to report
I am unable to click the 'columns' button at the top right when creating a report and add the primary column. Down below that in the filtered section it will let me add it, but not data shows up. It is a free text field where the guys on the job type in their notes from that day's work. I would like it to report out so…
Automation triggered by an email
Hi, Can I send an email to a Smartsheet, whereafter the Smartsheet does this: 1, locate textstring in email. 2, compare text with row. 3, send email or textmessage to a person in a contact cell in that row??, Thanks in advance /Poul.
Dashboards on rows
Hello Everyone, I am trying to build a Dashboard, several teams in my Org. can use. The idea behind this is as follows: There is a separate sheet, which gets filled by using forms / row update. Each Team fills out their row initially by using the form and then does updates on certain fields via a workflow. A Dashboard…
With COUNTM I can determine multiple selections are made, how can I extract the specifc selections?
If I have a multiple selection column, like 'assigned to', where I can select some or all of the people, can I determine which specific people from the list have been selected (without using FIND or CONTAINS and looking for names one at time?