Is there a way to stop 100% completed tasks still showing in Resource Views
We use Resource Views to show capacity loading for each department in our factory. Not sure if this is possible, but it would make sense to me if when tasks allocated to a particular resource were marked 100% complete they would no longer show/contribute to the loading of that resource. If a completed task dropped off the…
why when I remove a person at a sheet level is their permissions removed from the workspace level?
My co-worker are both admins at the workspace level (which allows access to all of the workspace). How can I remove my co-worker just at the sheet level to avoid aerts to every one shared to the sheet ? When I removed my co-worker at the sheet sharing level they were removed from the entire workspace.
Trouble with RGYB and blank dates
Hello! I am working with a Health column that refers to our Status column and start/end dates. I have a formula that is working once the dates are entered, but when I use a fresh templated sheet and there are no dates, it looks as if all the tasks are delayed. (see pic) I would like: Green if complete Yellow in in progress…
COUNTIFS Cross Sheet: 1 Column is blank and 1 Column is not blank
Hello, I'm doing a master summary metrics sheet (in lieu of a summary sheet on the source sheet because I need to build graph charts in a dashboard). I need to count blank cells in a specific column, but only if another column has text. I'm using this formula: Where Range 1 will indicate if a new submission has been…
Formula for sum of values in columns of other sheets per collaborator. Cells assigned to "nn".
I have a summary sheet "Summary Sales" created from another sheet "ADMIN_2020" in rows 2, 3 and 4 of the "Summary Sales" I have 3 employees assigned. And I need to do the sum of the entire column (NETO column) from ADMIN_2020 for each independent contributor. Who can help me will be very grateful. regards
Update requests are not being received by team members
Update requests are not being received by team members who do not have full licenses. Do I need to let help desk know specific servers to whitelist?
How to save a formular if i export the table to an excel file?
Is there a way how to save or export a formular, so that i can reimport the (excel) file for an oncomming use?
Using Employee Directory template
While using the Employee Directory template embedded in a website, is there a way for this information to be displayed in a way other than forcing a user to scroll through an entire list? For example, is a user able to type in a name and be taken to a smaller list based on their input? Also, can the list be limited and…
Smartsheet forms
Hi, On a daily basis I fill a Smartsheet form, i.e. load 10+ entries at a time. Is there a way to raise several entries using the form in a batch, to save keep repeating the same standard information (name, email, etc.)?
trying to get the Day of the week (ie. Mon, Tue, Wed) to return based on a date column. Tried this, but getting and unparseable error - what am I missing? =IF(WEEKDAY[Bid Date] = 1, "SUN", IF(WEEKDAY[Bid Date] = 2, "MON", IF(WEEKDAY[Bid Date] = 3, "TUES", IF(WEEKDAY[Bid Date] = 4, "WED", IF(WEEKDAY[Bid Date] = 5, "THU",…