Remove "automation@app.smartsheet.com" from sender email address
The OIT Security department at my university received a report that an email from automation@app.smartsheet.com may be phishing. We send a number of Update Requests through Smartsheet that require action from the receiving party. If the email is perceived as phishing by the recipient (or flagged as Spam by the email…
SUMPRODUCT Workarounds?
Hey all, I'm evaluating Smartsheets for my business and trying to determine whether workarounds exist for some necessary calculations. Three big ones are cost calculation, weight calculation and inventory management. I currently use Excel for these. My arrangement is I have all our products on the top row, with all of our…
Sequential numbering not working (Project with WBS sheet)
Hi All, I am fairly new to Smartsheets, so please be kind :) I am creating a WBS with the Template the Smartsheets provides (Project with WBS sheet), but I am noticing that when I add new tasks between other already created tasks, the numbering goes all wrong. Also, Even if I add more tasks underneath, the numbering is not…
Immediate Auto-Save
I'm trying to implement a solution for a team that needs changes automatically and immediately saved so the rest of the team can see the changes without delay. Is there a way to set each user's auto-save to immediate, rather than the current 1 minute? Or is there another suggestion for how to setup the sheet so that the…
Moving a project to another blueprint in Control Center
To setup Control Center Portfolio WorkApps, you have to start with a new blueprint. Short of having to re-spin up assets, it does not appear there is a way to transfer a project from one blueprint to another in Control Center. For Example - you have Blueprint x that pulls from Intake and outputs to Master Project List. To…
Issue with report not displaying all rows on Dashboard
I created a report based on a date, which itself is the result of a formula based on a number + an Assigned Date. The report displays a count of each row that has a particular date. The issue is that the dashboard will not display the first row with a count (see screenshots). When I re-sort the data to display the newest…
"Rows deleted" no longer a trigger option. How can I track deletions?
When setting up a workflow to alert someone, I no longer see the trigger option of "when rows are deleted". How can I receive notification of this action?
Duplicate Workflow Condition Paths Option
Currently when building a workflow, if you need to create more than one condition path but only 1 or two criteria out of several are different in each condition path, you have to recreate each condition path from scratch. This can get very time consuming if you need multiple condition paths. Could a function be added on…
Text to different Rows - Split by delimiter.
Hi, I have a cell@row value in the column Zone1 separated by a delimiter which needs to be split into different rows as a list of values similar to column Zone1new. Could i get help on this?
COUNTIF or SUMIF Formula in Report Summaries
Currently the summary count function only supports basic formulas. It would be great to be able to have the ability to use a COUNTIF or SUMIF Formula in report summaries. Specifically to count only the checked boxes. This feature would be nice to roll up metric data quickly and avoid the need to create a separate metric…