Smart Sheet Real Time Timer
I am looking to see if a timer function can be added to log accumulated hours and minutes on a specific task your working on real time, for aiding invoicing, and/or assessing daily/weekly productivity over a range of tasks. Alternatively if a macro or VB script could be linked to a sheet for the same purpose?
Answered: How to offset a date picker
Hello SC, I have a staff request for leave smartsheet. I want to have the date picker 2 weeks forward, so that you cannot select a date within the immediately following 2 weeks. So, any date up to 2 weeks from now should be greyed out. Any ideas?
formula help with symbols added
I have used a google form for time worked and synced it with smartsheet. I then have a column on my sheet to work out how many hours have been worked on a particular day using the information supplied on the entry from the google form. For instance if Joe worked 09:00 to 17:00 and entered this on his google form submission…
Pull Down Menu Options from Common Source/Sheet
All, I am using Smartsheets to track time, and have run into an issue that I have to believe there is a workaround for. We need our associates to track their time with specific job and client IDs. This can be done by making the time tracking entries show as a pull down menu of codes. But, when we get new jobs or clients,…
Can Smartsheet import live stock or historical currency exchange rates?
For expenses sheets it would be very useful to lookup fx rates based on the expense date for calculating local currency to reference currency amounts easily. Thanks
Day of the week formulas
How do I schedule repeating appointments on a specific day of the week; Ex: Every Mon at 10:00 First Tue of the Month at 09:00 I did not see the day of the week variable or formula. Thanks Alan Guggenheim
Reoccurring Reminders?
Is there a way to setup reoccuring reminders on task sheets. I have like 100 tasks on one sheet that happen over and over agian and it'd be nice to setup a reoccuring reminder that sends a person an email once every "days, weeks, months or calendar date" Etc. Anyone have a solution or workaround for this? Thanks!
Time Logger - Cell History
Is it possible to show time spent on a particular project? The data is already there within the cell history - it just need to be extracted somehow. The below data tells me the task has been "in progress" for 1 minute - 21.06 - 21.07
Make Stars yellow by Default
I am creating a New Hire Checklist and one of the columns is called required. If that row's task is required the start will be checked and show up yellow. How do I make all the starrs in the required colum yellow by default? So we have to uncheck only what isn't required instead of vice versa.
Repeatable Task
Hello, Is there anyone using a Smartsheet for employee leave or schedule tracking that has found a way to create a repeatable event such as a reoccurring schedule or leave (like telecommuting or alternate schedule). Thank you, Jay