Publish Calendar to display working days only
I have a project that covers 3 months with 4 people traveling to various offices. My calendar indicates their locations throughout the months. I've defined Working Days, Non-working Days, and Holidays on a Project Sheet, which reflects correctly. However the calendar view indicates that the persons are in the locations…
Collaboration Error
Hi Smartsheet users - Has anyone ever experienced an error message when trying to "Send..." a row to another user AND CC themselves? The message says, "The collaboration service is not available". Any solutions? Thanks!
Restrict to login by ip address
Has Smartsheet got any functions to block by public ip address except single IP? My wish is to use only our local network in our office.
Best way to set up a sheet to track multiple IT projects
Our IT department has several projects we want to track. I need advice on the best way to set up the sheet(s) so that we can see the details of each project and have the ability to see all of the projects on one sheet. Which option would be the better set-up? Option A - Have one sheet that lists of all the projects with…
Can a Smartsheet form submitted auto-populate PDF then triggers DocuSign
Hi, I am trying to deploy a reimbursement system for my office. Once a person submits a form via smartsheet, I need to have a PDF pre-filled with all of the info including the ones that will be linked to other cells. Once the PDF is prefilled, I will need it to go thru DocuSign for signature. Once the user signs I will…
New row addition in sheet based on flag from seperate sheet
I think the request is best summarized as an example. I am using a sheet to track daily client updates. In those updates, I have a column that includes the client name and another column that includes a flag to mark if the client had an outage. When that flag is marked, I'd like for a row to be created automatically in a…
Renaming columns affects reports
Why is it that changing the name of a column in a sheet breaks all the reports that include that column? I need to go into each and remove the column with the now defunct name and then add the column back into the report again. This is tedious and frustrating (what if I miss a report?). Fortunately conditional formatting…
Form URL Link
Hello everyone. My issue here is that I have created a form and I am not sure how to shard it with other users as there is no URL Link for the form, only available for the spreadsheet. On the Manage Forms, I can only see the button, "Test This Form". Any ideas? Thank you in advance!
Sight Template
Hey, do you guys have a template for Sight? I see that there are many for sheets but none for Sight, and the bank Sight listed as a template only redirects to an empty Sight. Would really appreciate a templace as I don't see how to modifty the width and height of the objects I'm trying to import onto Sight. Best.
Profile Settings Mysteriously Changed?
How do I change my settings to stop overwriting cell content and default back to 'insert'? I used to be able to just type over something, but now the contents are overwritten. For example if I have "There is 90% in this." in a cell and I want to update it to 95%, it will now write over the '90% in this." completely instead…