Alerts & Actions Issues
We have implemented a Smartsheet that uses a vacation approval workflow. A form is used by an employee to request time off. Once the form is submitted, an entry is made in the Smartsheet and an approval request Alert is sent to the appropriate manager for approval. This part is working. When the manger receives the email,…
Stale time/date
Hi, I am trying to setup a "Stale" notification for a help ticketing system. When a support ticket (row) ticket has not been modified when compared to the current time and date in over an X amount of hours, then send a notification. I can compare two different date columns like this: =Modified1 - [Created Date]1 But if I…
Added IP Management Functionality
Any Chance of adding this type of Functionality to Smartsheets: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/712335/Followup-DNS-Lookup-and-Ping-in-Excel
Smartsheet Asian Server
Hi Smartsheet team, Is it possible for you guys to provide server in asia? Smartsheet takes longer to load here in the Philippines. Thanks, Dennis
Using Reports / Dashboards for Analytics Recaps?
Hey there! I'm currently tracking our sales analytics using a smartsheet. Column A lists all of my metrics and then i create a column for each week. As the weeks progress, i fill in the rows with sales data. I'd like to create a Dashboard that shows me the data from the last column (most recent week ending) on this…
Formulas Auto-Populating in a Newly Added Row
Everytime I add a new row in my sheet, I have to go in and make the formula go onto that new row. Is there a way to have the formula auto-populate whenever I add a new row into the sheet?
Attempting a formula with multiple criteria
Hi, can anyone help with the formula for the following required outcomes? * $0 if the management agreement has not started [Mgnt Start Date], * Equal to the chargeable amount [chargeable amt] if the Management agreement has started ie [Mgnt Start Date] in the prior month * Equal to the previous month [Jan 17] if the…
Publish Calendar to display working days only
I have a project that covers 3 months with 4 people traveling to various offices. My calendar indicates their locations throughout the months. I've defined Working Days, Non-working Days, and Holidays on a Project Sheet, which reflects correctly. However the calendar view indicates that the persons are in the locations…
Collaboration Error
Hi Smartsheet users - Has anyone ever experienced an error message when trying to "Send..." a row to another user AND CC themselves? The message says, "The collaboration service is not available". Any solutions? Thanks!
Restrict to login by ip address
Has Smartsheet got any functions to block by public ip address except single IP? My wish is to use only our local network in our office.