Predecessor formula Help
help me please I want to see in our project through a filter in which I specify: 1) If the status is not fulfilled 2) Deadline date in the past This is all I can do, but through the filter I need 3 points 3) All tasks that have a predecessor with a task number (which is not completed and overdue by date) This should all…
Duration in Hours and Minutes
Greetings, I have certain subtasks under my tasks that only run terms of hours and minutes and not days. Is it possible to capture the duration in that detail ? Or do we need to break down the days in to hours (which seems very tedious). I did find on this…
Trying to create an IF THEN function in smartsheet
My example is to select an material size value based on the material. Something like this: If [cell1]="4X8 Sheet" then [cell2]=32, if [cell1]="4X12 Sheet" then [cell2]=48, etc, etc. I have a dropdown list in the materials column to restrict the set of possible materials. Subsequently, I would like to take those values to…
Sum if of Current Week +/- 1
I have a formula that will give me the current week capacity: =SUMIF(@{Week Number}, @cell = (WEEKNUMBER(TODAY())), {Capacity}). However I'm not sure of the formula to capacity for the next week or the past week capacity =SUMIF(@{Week Number}, @cell = (WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()) +7), {Capacity}). I would greatly appreciate some…
Dashboard formula counting rows within date range
First post, Longtime SSheet user but new to formulas and stuck on this last one for a dashboard. I am trying to count rows where the due date is within a range, the form created date is within 14 days of the due date and the status is not "complete." I have tried a wide variety of solutions. =COUNTIFS({FAMS Marketing…
Resource Allocation
Greetings, I am new to the aspect of resource allocation. I need to know apart from people can objects (computers, scientific instruments etc) be allocated as resources, as I need to keep a tab on the overuse of certain equipments at my organisation. Next, can only people with licensed accounts be tracked as resources on…
Using Contact List Column Type in Task List Forms
I made a recurring task list based on the template Smartsheet provides. I have tasks assigned to different contacts in a contact list column, and users enter new tasks through a webform. My issue comes when they enter the "Assigned To" name. Even if they type their name EXACTLY how it is on their account and in the current…
Issue is not displayed in Gantt view
Hi! For some reason Smartsheet doesn't show my issues and it's estimated time in Gantt view: (see the ones in the rows 67 and 68) (Image attached below.) Maybe that's because of 2.5h estimate, but even if I change it to 2h or 1h it doen't work. Both tasks have dpendencies but Smartsheet system didnt calculate their Start…
card view filter - include summary tasks
I commonly have task lists that are nested to an arbitrary number of levels. In card view, you can filter tasks to level 1, level 2, etc. This isn't very useful to me. I think it would be far more useful to have a filter "include summary tasks (or not)". Since my actual tasks are always on leaf nodes of the hierarchy, by…
Changing column Property Status (Red, Yellow, Green) when two columns dates are different
I am in need for the status colum 1 (red, yellow, green) to automatically change when column 2 (date) is passed column 3 (date). Can this be done with a formula? I can do "=IF([Approved Required Delivered Date]1 < [Adjusted Delivery Date]1, "Red")", however, I am sure on how to add the other two conditions in the formula.…