Ability to use "&" in "My Smartsheet Contacts"
We currently can't use an ampersand "&" as the contact name in "My Smartsheet Contacts". At my company, we typically use ampersands to identify groups in distribution email lists. Some examples are Marketing and Trading or Transmission and Distribution. which are shortened to M&T or T&D. My current workaround is to use a…
Hourly view on Gantt View
Hi there, We have a project with vehicles moving across multiple locations and would like to keep tract of their activity by the hour. We don't so much need to track their GPS location as much as, Car # 1 is in Town A, and then needs to go to Town B for 2 hours, then return to Town A. Gantt view would be very effective for…
Best Practices/Work Arounds for the lack of "elapsed" and "months" options
I want to open the discussion in this industry forum because I'm certain this would be a group of folks that regularly encounter this short coming. The inability to put "edays" in the predecessors column leads me to a ton of extra rows that serve no purpose other than being a way to get "# edays" in the duration column so…
E-Builder/Smartsheet comparison
I'm looking to connect with anyone who has moved from E-Builder to Smartsheet to track construction projects.
% Complete Without Dates
Hey There, I work for a construction company, and one of our subdivisions has multiple townhome blocks. We are currently building 3 blocks, but don't know when we will start the other ones (all dependent on sales) I'm wondering if there is a way to get the % Complete for the whole project, not just the blocks currently in…
Today's Date in a Dashboard
Hi, I have recently gotten into using Dashboards within Smartsheet, amazing. Is there a way to display today's date in a widget? Thank, Scott
Critical CHAIN Project Management (CCPM) in Smartsheet
Can we do Critical CHAIN Project Management (CCPM) in SmartSheet? If we can, do we need add-ins or can anyone share a template?
Get dates and conditional sum of budget spreads
Hi Community. I have a spread of budgets but I want to retrieve the start and finish dates of the spread AND I want to get the planned sum of the spread up to a given date. Here is a print screen of the simplified table: The Start Date and Finish Date columns is supposed to have the formulas that read the start date and…
Resource Management Groups
As a Project Manager I need to assign "Non Human" resources to tasks within my Smartsheet project workflow. Some of my project tasks involve using multiple computers for processing. Depending on the size of the project, it can be anywhere from 15 to 100+ computers being allocated to that task for processing. My company…
Remove all hierarchy (indents) from a sheet
Hi, I have a sheet with about 500 rows, with a lot of hierarchy (indents) within it. My ultimate goal is to be able to sort rows by one of my columns, and not have the indents alter how the rows are arranged after this sorting. Therefore I planned to create a new sheet where I removed all the hierarchy/indents (sort of…