Possible to export a filtered Smartsheet to Outlook?
Hi there, I am new to Smartsheet and am just learning all the features it has to offer. I was wondering if it is possible to export a fiiltered grid view Smartsheet into Outlook 2013. Currently, i am able to export the entire Smartsheet to Outlook, but I want it to be tailored to only include certain events/tasks. Is it…
Modify an existing report sent via Email with Attachment
One of the databases we built using Smartsheet allows us to facilitate communicating with various people from different functions. That means we have to create different reports that filter some of the data. We use the "Email Send as Attachment" feature to set up recurring emails that are sent to specific people at…
Tracking New Smartsheets - How to request and track the sheets
Has anyone worked on a SS template for users to request/update new Smartsheets? I could use a standard ITSM ticket tracking system, but I'm leaning toward a webform users fill out to request a new Smartsheet. I could use the functionality of SS to communicate updates, gather requirements, and discuss other SS request…
Modify Calendar View?
I'm trying to take a list of dates and associated activities - potentially up to 15 per day -- and display them in a calendar format...either traditional or agenda layout. I have curriculum maps -- material we will cover each day for 6-8 weeks - listed out in spreadsheet format and then want to turn that into something…
Web Form Layout
In webforms I have to make each item a column that I want info to flow into. Can I make those column print inot a row later? A long row info from columns is too much.
Signatures on documents
Does Smartsheet have a Docusign options? Want to be able to email documents to get a signature.
Using Smartsheet data to populate project documents
I looking for opportunities to streamline the production of project updates / documentation by trying work out the best way to use data already captured in various smartsheets to populate project updates to our product development steering group. I presume there is no function in Smartsheets that facilitates the output of…
Hiding cells in published sheet (lightweight version)
Can anyone help me with this issue? I have a published link for one of my sheets, but anyone can see all columns. I want to show some columns and others hidden for some users. How can i do that?
Star Ratings/ Symbols - changing amount?
Hi, I have a sheet where we want to monitor the value of a project simply with a 1 to 3 star rating, but the only star symbols available are either an on/off, 1 star symbol, or a 0-5 star rating. Is there any way of reducing the mount of stars to simply 1-3, or is there a formula (similar to the RYG ball) to show this? I…
Friendly URLs?
Is there a way to enable friendly URLs? The publishing action creates a very long URL e.g., https://smartsheetlabs.com/smartsheetmaps/share/b92dc85ccac65a90fe133a440b6046231f9ab5a011753978b01ecb37af3b041f. Even if a premium feature, can there be an enhancement that ideally uses a predefined domain, or at least makes it…