Smartsheets for medical practices
Does anyone know if smartsheets solutions can be used to manage medical projects? This would include documenting information that would flow via api into an existing enterprise system.
Features that Smartsheet Should Add
I am sure that most of you have a list of things that you would like from Smartsheet. I have a short list to get us started. Lets add to this and see if they can make it happen! 1 - Ability to paste more than 50 rows at a time. * 2 - Extend the 5,000 row per sheet limit. * 3 - Ability to create a new sheet based off of a…
Sights and Auto refresh rate
Hi, I have a client that wants to use Sights as a Dashboard on a Large Plasma in their office. They want the Dashboard to auto update/refresh without human intervention. Is there an Auto Refresh rate setting (Not seen one) I am looking at a Chrome extension called Super Auto Refresh. Has anybody got experience with this…
Printing Issues with Embedded Smartsheet
We have a Smartsheet embedded in a SharePoint page on our intranet. It is published using the 'Edit by Anyone' option. Our authorized users have no problem updating the Smartsheet, but when we try to print (by clicking on the printer icon on the toolbar), we get an error that says "The sheet that you are attempting to…
One sheet, diffrent collaborators
Dear, We would like to use one sheet/workspace. This sheet with be used by different collaborators with different permissions: 1. On Site; 2. Engineering; 3. Project Management. I would like to make one column with the above mentioned. When i add a task to (for example) onsite. I only want them to see the task for On Site,…
New: Saved Filters, Search, Comment Updates...and More
Hello Community, There are some great new enhancements in this month’s release. See below for a summary...and, as usual, you can always check out the product release notes for the whole rundown. For your convenience, I’ve also included here links to relevant Help Center content. Happy exploring and reading! 1. Create,…
Why Publish?
What are the benefits of publishing sheets and or reports? What are the negatives of publishing? Thanks!
Publishing Gantt Chart
We have a Gantt Chart, we have many columns for various items and the standard Start/Finish/%Complete....... We don't want to share the sheet with a lot of people they don't need all those extra columns, we really just want to show them the Primary/Task Column and the the Gantt Timeline that is it. Is there a way to…
Create a live copy of my sheet
I would like to be able to re-order my sheet without the parenting hierarchy in place. I was thinking that if I create a live copy that is always up to date but does not have the parenting information this would be easy. Basically, I have task assignments under projects. and different people are assigned to different tasks…
Help Us Improve Smartsheet - 2 minute survey
Hello all, My name is Jeilymar Brady and I am the User Experience Coordinator with Smartsheet UX Research. Please fill out this survey, should take about 2 minutes: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/3515357/SmartsheetSurvey This is a quick survey we would love for you to take so we can gather some insights that will help us…