Archived 2016 Posts

Archived 2016 Posts

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Tracking New Smartsheets - How to request and track the sheets

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Has anyone worked on a SS template for users to request/update new Smartsheets? I could use a standard ITSM ticket tracking system, but I'm leaning toward a webform users fill out to request a new Smartsheet. I could use the functionality of SS to communicate updates, gather requirements, and discuss other SS request matters. If anyone has developed something like this in the past, I would glady welcome your suggestions!







  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    I would suggest you do use a Smartform that gives your colleagues an opportunity to Suggest new projects, ideas for review, improvements to processes etc, so create a sheet with those questions posed, then an approvals, review process. If successful they get a new sheet?

    It has to be more about providing a mecahnism for feedback or suggestion so the user feels engaged in the process than about the tool you offer? IMHO. 

    You can actually build the form while still in the form and the columns will be created accordingly. 

    Good luck it is a great idea. 










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