Published Dashboards for external customer facing websites
Does anyone know of any Smartsheet users who has used published dashboards that include metrics, reports (published), and clickable interfaces on an external customer facing website? Basically, does anyone have some real life use cases of utilizing published dashboards from an organization to the public? I could really…
Dashboard Templates
I designed a dashboard to capture our department's customer communication. There is a form that populates our communication log, reports and feeder sheets that breakdown each team members' bucket of logged calls, and a bar graph categorizing the types of calls. I'd like to have a clean sheet/reports for our Annual Report…
Bring back Login button for Published Items/reports
Hi Smartsheet Community, I wanted to share an issue I’ve encountered that may be affecting others as well. Recently, users who view published reports have been reaching out to me, concerned that they no longer have access. After investigating, I found that this issue occurs when users are not signed into Smartsheet.…
Minimize or Remove Description Window in PDF View in Published Reports
The ability to interact with a dashboard is powerful. It is particularly useful in committee work and to minimize clicks, which makes using Smartsheet very user friendly. When opening a pdf file in a published report (on its own or embedded into a dashboard) the pdf file appears and a description window on the right. If…