Dashboard Templates

I designed a dashboard to capture our department's customer communication. There is a form that populates our communication log, reports and feeder sheets that breakdown each team members' bucket of logged calls, and a bar graph categorizing the types of calls.

I'd like to have a clean sheet/reports for our Annual Report and I am aware of templates feature. I am wondering, would it make more sense to archive the sheets/reports that inform the dashboard and make templates of those sheets/forms that will inform the dashboard for the new year? this is our agency's first attempt at building a efficient tracker and long term, we are wanting to capture trends in the types of calls we are receiving annually.

I hope this makes sense!


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If you have multiple assets linked together, my suggestion would be to put everything into a folder (this folder can contain sub-folders) and then make a copy of this folder using the Save as New feature. There should be an option when saving as new to get rid of existing data so that you start out with a blank copy but still maintain all of those links to the new assets.