Formatting Charts
Hi all, I am trying to make a chart that references a report, and I have been successful in capturing the avg, and count values of groups I made inside the report. Where I am having trouble, is that I want to change the labels of the Legend. The legend pulls the name of the column it is referencing, however it is…
Smartsheet Report builder not printing exactly the same view in the Report
Hi, Anyone had tried to print the Report with Summaries, filter and group "ON" and did not print the way it should be? Everytime, I export it in pdf file or print it, it is not showing how it was summarize and group like in the Report view itself. Anyone know how to print it correctly?
Effort Driven Tasks
This has been batted around for almost 5 years with SmartSheet promising that it will be upcoming. But I require Effort Driven Task. The Duration needs to adjust based on the % Allocation. This is essential. Please divulge why this has not yet been implemented and where it is on SmartSheet's roadmap for priorities…
Can I utilize a dropdown to save me from having to manually edit my filter to see each client
I have 3 Smartsheets that are currently feeding a report (see attached screenshot). (I'm having to go the Report route rather than using a Dashboard because Dashboard don't currently allow for bi-directional editing). On each report, I am wanting to filter down my information so I see/access just one client's data at a…
Correcting WeekOf and Avg Formulas
Hi all! I am trying to do 2 operations on some columns I have in a sheet. I have written (with your help ofc!) 2 formulas to fit my needs, these are a week of, and a avg formula. To be more specific, I have a sheet that has tasks on it. Assigned to these tasks are days it took to complete them, as well as the day of…
Add more than one column data to chart (x,y scatter)
Hello, I am trying to generate a chart from a report that contains three columns. The first is the subject (label), the second the day (time to be plotted on the x axis) and the quantity (to be plotted on the y-axis). Since I am plotting from a report, I don't want to reformat the x data to columns as other posts have…
Renaming Column Name in Report instead of Source Sheet
1) Is it possible to change the Name of Column in Report instead of Source Sheet. 2) Auto Columns name is appearing in the Report instead of Column Name (Ex. Created by , Modified By, Created Date and Modified Date). Is there any way to change System Columns name in the Report. Thanks for your support. Best regards.
Creating a chart with a multiple dropdown field
Hello, I have tried a few options, but no success. Trying to get a report in a pie or bar chart format that will be reporting off of a field in a sheet with multiple options. The sheet is a list of company projects and the field is a strategic category (Go to Market, Client Service, People & Culture). Some projects are…
Dashboard/Report not updating
We have a team dashboard that is not showing correct data. It seems that the underlying report is not updating. What is wrong?
Report Layout with Multi-Select Dropdown Column
I am asking for assistance on a report layout. We have 15 Regions. Each Region has small teams. I have some team members that are on several teams. We have a column called “Region” that is a multi-select dropdown column. We like the report that outlines every region’s team members. The report is sorted by region first and…