Dashboard chart from a report
I have a report which collects data from multiple sheets - this includes project health using RYG status. I would like to add a pie chart to reflect project health on the dashboard using the collected data on the report and it's giving me "The selected columns cannot be charted". Is there a way around this?
How to create a report that summarizes various dates as monthly totals?
I have a Project Tracker sheet where we keep track of all our projects, their status, if it's been invoiced, and the date of the invoice. In Excel and Google Sheets, we can easily create PivotTables to summarize all the dates of the projects marked as 'invoiced' by month, so we can see the the monthly and annual invoiced…
Column Descriptions
How do I get the column Description to flow from a Table to a report?
Grouping Reports
Hi, I have two sheets I'm putting into a report. They have different primary columns. I wanted to group by the first sheet's primary column and pull in additional information for the second sheet that has been matching and no matching column headers. But when I pick primary in group, it will only use the second sheets'…
How to build Charts from Reports
I am curious if anyone is aware of any documentation on building charts from reports. I am actively learning as I go, but I notice that sometimes a report format works for building a chart and other times I get an error that the data cannot be charted. Is there documentation or best practices on the report format you need…
Formula Needed For Combining Rows with Exact Values in Separate Sheet
Hello Smartsheet Community, I have a compliance tracker sheet that captures employee's HIPAA and FEMA certifications. I have been tasked with creating a dynamic view for their immediate supervisors. I have two separate views for FEMA and then HIPPA. However, I also have employees who have submitted separate reports for…
Moving value labels on stacked graph
Is there any way to change the location of the labels on a stacked graph? They appear to the right of the bar and with multiple items in the stack, it is misleading as to what the label represents. See below - the 4th item down in grey represents 60% but the 60% label is on the yellow bar. We want the graph to look like…
Nested Or within Countifs formula
Hi, I am hoping to see if I can get help with the following formula: =COUNTIFS([Area of focus]:[Area of focus], "HGIT", Status:Status, "Complete", OR([Status:Status] = "Approved"), [Channel:Channel], <>"internal comms") Essentially, my goal is to count items that are for "HGIT" that are either complete or approved but not…
Formula to Roll Up Task Status
Hi All! I am looking for some help with a formula that I haven't been able to find in the community already. I'd like to roll up my Status column to the parent rows with the following conditions: Parent shows as Not Started if: All children are either Cancelled or Not Started. Parent shows as In Progress if: Even one child…