Disable auto refresh?
I want to make a dashboard that pulls data from another sheet, but I only want to update it once a week. Is there any way to delay the auto refresh?
Consolidating Data from Multiple Sheets
Hello, I'm hoping there's an easy way to do this. I have three sheets, they all are filled in using forms. All three sheets are used for tracking things to be billed to the same list of clients. This client list is identical between all three sheets, if it matters. I'd like a single sheet I can look at each month that will…
Summary Fields: Percentage of Completed Checkboxes
I'm very new to Smartsheet and hoping someone can help me. I have created a checklist, with different categories divided up by parent rows, and the tasks listed as children under the categories. I have a checkbox column and each task (in the children rows) has a checkbox. I have figured out how to calculate the percentage…
Can I link an entire sheet into my master sheet?
It looks like I need more than Cell Linking in our master project tracker. Do we have the ability to add a section on our master sheet so that any updates from a separate MARKETING TEAM sheet is displayed in the master sheet? I'm afraid simple cell linking only focuses on cells and won't take into account additional rows…
Line Limit on Dashboard Report
I'm inserting a custom report into a dashboard, but it's only showing the first 150 lines. After that I have to "click to view source report". But no matter how much 'sharing' I do, I cannot enable a non-Smartsheet user to be able to see the whole report. Is there a way to have the entire report scrollable on the…
Using a modifier to derive month (formula de-bugging help
Ok. so I've set up a rolling dashboard built around the today function - something like this. Everything rolls over automatically as it all references TODAY() to determine the various derivatives. (see screenshot) It's great, but doesn't scale (yet). The Month column uses this right now - =IF((MONTH(TODAY()) + Modifier5) >…
Countifs with find
I have 2 columns (Stage) and (Courses) Courses is a multi dropdown, stage is a single drop down. I want to count how many people are invited to Fundamentals 1 vs how many have completed or certified in a rollup sheet. I am either getting unparsable or invalid This is on a rollup sheet that points to the working sheet.…
Formula For Finding Quarter
Hello, New to smartsheets I have been using excel extensively. Can someone pleased teach me the formula for finding a quarter based on a date? For instance [Date Data Column]1 = 1/1/2016 I want the formula to return "Q1" in the [Quarter]1 cell Havent been able to figure this one out...help please!
Count of Completed Tasks by Month across multiple sheets
I am trying to get a count of completed tasks by a team by month across multiple sheets. I've created this formula in the sheet summary: =COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Complete", [Team Assignment]:[Team Assignment], "Lean"). If I'm trying to get a completed count of tasks for the month of September, how could I get that count?…
Roundup causing error on reports
Hello, I added the new roundup formula to my sheet and this cause all of my reports that reference this column to show up as #unparseable only on the report. This shows as a value on the main sheet. To make this worse any other formula on this sheet shows up as #blocked until this is removed