Make the rich text editor edit report cells on the dashboard
Greetings everyone, I was wondering if using the rich text widget to edit a cell in your report on the dashboard live is possible. The logic behind it is: The rich text editor is linked to the cell from a report and updates data simultaneously. Thus, I wouldn't need to go back and forth to the report and then to the…
How to use Trend Arrows to show change in RYG
Is there a formula that would highlight the trend of a change in RYG balls ? For example, if someone changes the status of a project from Green to Red, it would show a down arrow. If someone changes the arrow from Red to Yellow, it would show a Upward arrow. Thanks for your help!
Date miss matching
Hi all, Ok so I reside and work for a company based in Bangladesh and we use this format for date ( Date / Month / Year ) so today will be 30/3/2019 I have two base sheet that feeds directly to a master sheet via direct cell linking which is used by the management to keep track of the latest updated. Now the base sheet the…
Summarizing a Customer Satisfaction Survey that is ongoing with monthly reports
I have created a Customer Satisfaction Survey with 12 questions that use a 5 point Likert scale. (Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree). I have tested the web page and it all populates the SmartSheet fine. Additionally, the first 5 questions are about the sales person, the second 5 are about the…
Unique numbers in a column
I have a sheet that we add rows to everyday. One peice of data that is added with every new row is a case number (unique identifier to show us who we are working on). How can I get a total of unique case numbers? I simply want a count of all case numbers no duplicates. So if case 12345 is on my sheet 5 times I only wanted…
Count number of resources per project
Hi, I'm trying to count number of resources assigned to a project but I'm not sure how to go about it, when there is a duplicate. Meaning, if John Doe is assigned to 5 tasks, Jane Doe is assigned to 3 tasks, and Billy Bob is assigned to 1 task, is there a way to count the number of resources assigned to the project, which…
Calculating Count of Projects by PM by Month
Hi, Trying to create formula to calculate How many projects start in a certain month by each Project Manager - My excel formulas are weak Master sheet has columns: Project Manager is Contact List (does this have to be a Text/Number Column?) Project Start Date - is Date type Column =COUNTIFS({Keller Project Summary - MASTER…
Reporting on Activity Log data without exporting to excel
I am looking for a method to query/report on activity log data without exporting to excel and then importing back I into smartsheet. For example: I need to expose via a Dashboard the number of times specific Dashboards and Sheets are being accessed. Currently activity logs are exported to excel; a pivot table is created to…
Report vs workspace permissions
Hi all, can someone please verify whether the workspace-level permissions override the sheet or report-level permissions? For example, I have a user I'd like to have Viewer permission on the overall workspace but Editor permission on a specific report. He has Editor permission on the underlying source sheet (located…
Feature Request - Cell History Graph
For all of my projects I need to track the overall % complete for the project and individual areas. I currently have Smartsheet calculating this information and displaying as a % in a cell, but I would like to be able to show how the % complete has trended over time. Is there a way to show the individual cell history as a…