Print report from Project and Task Management Template
Hi, I have created a sheet utilizing the project and task management template and would like to print a report that displays only select columns of the sheet for use during a status meeting. I would like all rows to print, but only some columns. Is there a way to do this? Currently, we are hiding the columns and then…
Besoin d'aide au sujet des rapports
Bonjour, Est ce que l'un d'entre vous a déjà crée et partagé des rapports, via smartsheet? Si oui, Faut-il obligatoirement partager la feuille source des données afin de visualiser les informations dans le rapport ? De mon côté, je souhaiterais ne pas partager la feuille source des données, mais uniquement le rapport.…
Formula to count values in a column
Good evening VERY NEW to smartsheet. I am creating a metrics sheet for data we want to capture on another sheet. How do I get the QTY of "beam" counts in this column? Thank you
Conditional formatting not sticking to exported PDF
Hi, I have a report that looks perfectly fine when viewing in Smartsheet but when exported to a PDF it throws in a grey fill. There is a conditional formatting that specifically says if the "Resource name headers" column is blank, keep that cell white - and it's a higher priority than everything else. Why is this happening…
Help! Trying to edit the automation of RYG balls!
Hello All! I am stuck trying to fix the automation of my RYG balls in Smartsheets! I need to add one more IF formula to be the formula below so that if a task has not yet been started, the ball will show up as gray. You can see from the screenshot below that all the other balls are working except when the task has yet to…
Fleet maintenance template
Hi there I am looking for a template to adapt to assist us with machinery maintenance on the farm. I want to be able to record work done and to set reminders for upcoming maintenance tasks. I am sure someone must have already done something similar with smart sheet - any help gladly received. Andrew
Countifs Issues with Date Columns
I am having issues with a formula that I try an use to count dates in a column that are less than the present day. With a modification the formula works just fine count the number of dates within the next 30 days. Both columns have conditional formatting associated with them, but the one giving me heartburn has the date…
Using formula in a Date column, then using SUMIF to total
Hi all, Relatively new to Smartsheets and I am looking for a bit of guidance here. I am trying to put together a 'Resource Forecasting Tool' for our company, wherein the users can populate either an 'Personnel Discipline' or 'Equipment Item' to forecast, they then will enter the start and end date and the quantity…
% complete report for multiple projects
I am trying to build a report that shows % complete, by project, across multiple projects (eg, Proj 1 = 50%, Proj 2 = 75%, Proj 3 = 10%) in one report view/summary. To date all I have been able to do is task level / individual project level % complete thanks!