Page Layout with a table and summaries
Smartsheet often shows a nice calculation at the top of a sheet. Say a list of dealers. The first five lines of the sheet have a nice summary box with the number of dealer in each state calculated or soemthing like that. Now the sheet column headers are really matching the data table not the summary table. So name,…
How to start building project roll-up with 110 dropdown names to pick also
Where to start, project roll-up, don't want a done of linked cells if can avoid it. Need it simple for user interface. Today using Excel just type it in, pick the color for the cell. The color means something based on a key. There is high-level corrdination of the overall program, then high-level for a project, then…
regarding Auto Calculate Today date
Hi I Am Trying to set a Notification on a Collection sheet that i track Collection notes and Promised date when the customer Promised to pay now i have a date column which i type the date we need to call back the customer but is their a way to make auto Notifications any date that is past "today " Meaning to say if i set…
Creating a cell link to a different sheet with different working days
Dear community, I have created a sheet for Data Center migration planning. By definition these activities are planned during normal working days (Mon-Fri) but the migrations happen during weekends, as it requires to stop servers and so that's the lowest impact to services. This sheet has defined all days as working days to…
Printed Calendar View of Report
I'm sure this answer is out there and I'm just using the wrong lingo but when I print my report in calendar view, the font is too light on the dates and I can't locate how to make them darker/larger. Is that just me or is that a thing?
Task lists /
We are trying to create both task sheets (sheet level filters) and reports (multi sheet filters) We are using not ticked as complete and finish date of less than today. We are selecting the 'today' button for the date, will this change the date daily or do we need to run seperate reports?
Show Week Numbers on the Gannt Chart
On the chart you show the months, but it would be good to have a week number listed as well. ideally week from start of year and also the option to have a week number starting at the begining (start date) of the project to see how many elapsed weeks there are.
Counting Based on Two Items
I am making a sheet to track the number of proposals we send out and how many turn into projects. I want to be able to count them by which Project Manager did it. So I have a PM field for the Project Managers initials. I was using fields for each PM's Proposals. The formula I used was COUNTIF(PM:PM, "RM") for example and…
Report Error
Hello, I am trying to create a report that brings in multiple date types so that I can use the calendar view to see my marketing and PR activity. I created a marketing campaign tracker and PR campaign tracker. The marketing campaign tracker has a launch date and end date and the PR tracker only had one date. I tried to…
Past Due Reports
GOAL - Tasks Past Due Report for Multi Sheets I have several sheets with the columns set up as seen below: (Type 1) Rows have Tasks with a Contact under Assigned to, "Required" column has a symbol and % Complete is not required so it's left Blank. (Type 2) Rows have Tasks with a Contact Under Assigned to, "Required" column…