Convert Project Sheet with Start/End Dates to Weekly Summary Showing Items Starting/Ending/In Progre
Hi - is there a way to convert a project sheet with items that have Start/End dates listed, into a week by week summary report that shows the status of each of those items in a particular week? In any week, I'd like to see which items are Starting (based on Start Date), Ending (based on End Date), and In Progress (assuming…
Pull Down Menu Options from Common Source/Sheet
All, I am using Smartsheets to track time, and have run into an issue that I have to believe there is a workaround for. We need our associates to track their time with specific job and client IDs. This can be done by making the time tracking entries show as a pull down menu of codes. But, when we get new jobs or clients,…
Not receiving any updates or reports today
Not receiving any updates or reports today. Is there anything wrong? I have automatically scheduled reports to be delivered daily at 10am via email. I have received nothing today. It is almost noon. I also get notifications from smartsheets when they are updated. I have received nothing today which is also unusual.
Web Form - Weekly Project Updates
Is there a way to create a WebForm that would allow my Project managers to do Weekly updates on each "sheet" or project? If so, Can that information be placed in a central point? It appears I can only create a webform that update to a row in a sheet? Any thoughts, advice or comments would be appreciated. Sincerely, Scott S.
ideas for department wide status report
The director of our department wants to use Smartsheet to consolidate status reports across multiple managers showing the latest status update for a Task(Row). We could do this in one sheet, but we want to be able to have historic (older) updates for the Task stay on the sheet. My idea is for each mnager to have his/her…
Rollup report missing rows
Can't figure this one out. Hoping someone can help. I have 6 sheets for various projects we are working on. Each sheet has at least one level of heirarchy and some have up to 3 (parent/child/grandchild?). I have used cell linking to create an "amalgamation" sheet that lists all of the projects with their related…
Key Milestones / Deliverables - Output
I am using smart sheets for project planning purposes. Each plan will have hundreds of tasks. About ten of these tasks will be what I class as a 'key milestone / deliverable'. I use another system (Salesforce) to show a graphical representation of the status of each of my projects (Tasks, issues, risks, budget, next steps,…
Reports output
I am really looking forward to any updates on the reports output. currently the output into Excel is not very professional and needs to be tweeked each time. Really looking for a mechanism to set up the output each time so that it eliminates the additional resource for this.
report to create form letter
Has anyone used the report function to create a form letter. The report would pull static data from one sheet and dynamic entered by a web form from another sheet. Thoughts?
How do I run a report based on multiple smartsheets with varied column headings?
When I select the "What?" criteria for running a report, it wants a number and not all columns contain numbers, some contain tasks written in text. Is there a workaround? Do column headings need to be labeled the same across all smartsheets/workspaces used to generate the report? Do separate reports need to be run for…