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Trying to build a good, dynamic task list

Shawn Zerkle
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I'm working on getting a good personal task list system going within Smartsheet.  I've gone through a small number of efforts to get what I need, but I still have a problem around getting something dynamic and quick functioning.


1.  Built a task list based on the task list template.  With no automatic sorting, I have to sort it manually from scratch after most changes to the list (I.E. Checking done does not move the item to the bottom and entering a date does not put the item in the right place).  I can set and save a filter on the done column (possibly ideal), but then sorting appears to be disabled.


2.  I read in the community that to get around issue 1, reports should be used.  This solution seems elegant enough for saving a sort and filter the way I want it, but blank dates are sorted to the top as opposed to the bottom which seems counter-intuitive.


So, is there any way to get automatic sorting and filtering on a sheet, is there a way to fix the sorting of blank dates on a report, or did this just turn into a feature request (as it appears to be at this point to me)?


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