Customizable view options in Smartsheet Card View
I think it would be useful to be able to customize the Card view in Smartsheet grids and reports to include additional view options, such as by date or other custom columns, instead of being limited to the default options like "status", "schedule health", or only being able to view by columns that are dropdowns or symbols.…
Content in a report not visible to other viewers
I've set up a report showing key milestones of various projects. I can see the report with the content that I've specified, however, when I share the report with users that have Smartsheet access, they can access the report, but they don't see any of the content. However, they do see the same report content in a dashboard…
How to capture the value (end result) of a formula for use in other processes
I've got formulas that return a result of a specific number depending on different keywords in certain cells on the spreadsheet. That's fine - they all work great! My problem is that I'd like to use those numbers (the end result) in other spaces in order to calculate totals for certain programs, by month and by year. But…
Report Date Sorting - Out of Order
Some of my report dates are sorting out of order, does anyone know why? Master Sheet 1: Dates in a column, both 2024 and 2025 data; Column Type = Date; All reports sort correctly Master Sheet 2: Dates in a column, populated by JOIN(COLLECT), cell formula; Column Type = Date; Master Sheet 2, Related Reports: Sort by "Store…
Using Sheet Summary for Duration and Want to Color Code in Reporting?
We are using sheet summary to show how long each project is in each phase by using =duration1 (or whatever the line number is). My question is - is there a way to color code it a certain color if the phase is still in progress, or on hold, etc, but we have moved to a new phase and it then shows a certain color then in…
Auto populate cell based on contents in two other cells in the same sheet
Hello - I've created a intake form to populate a sheet senior management will use for their assigned markets. Management has requested a link in the sheet to a report based on the contents in "Action Plan" (Yes) and "Market" (dropdown with 40+ city names). The manager would use the link to view the report without having to…
Merged: Allow users to export a report from a WorkApp
This discussion has been merged.
Filter columns in reports individually as viewer
My users desperately miss the filter columns functionality in reports. We would love to be able to use filtering in reports just like you can filter a sheet. Indepentendly from the report filters appplied by the owner of the report, any user should be able to filter columns in the report later on for themselves.
Chart from Metric sheet
Hi all! One of the projects I am working on is using a metric sheet to roll up information. When I create a report from this, to then display on a dashboard, the report shows the column headers. Being a metric sheet, the column headers are generic (Column3, Column4, etc.) as the data within the column varies based on which…
こんにちは。いつもお世話になっております。 自動化の機能を使って、シートの共有者(=担当者)に内容の更新依頼を定期的に出しています。 担当者へはSmartsheetから自動でメールが届き、「リクエストを開く」のリンク先の更新フォームから情報の更新をお願いしています。 このメールには「シートに移動」というリンクがあるのですが、このリンクを表示されないようにする方法はありますか? シートには担当者には共有したくない情報も含まれているので、担当者へはそれら情報を除いたレポートを作成して共有しております。 一方で、シートから担当者とコメントのやり取りやレポートからの情報入力をしてもらいため、シート自体も担当者と共有をしています。…