Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Smartsheet as Data Entry Form with Intertwined Filters in Drop-downs


I need to upload an Excel spreadsheet to have some of the columns there filled with text and dropdowns. The problem I am facing is that I would need the different dropdown filters to be intertwined (that is, if I have two columns with one named Continent and another one Country; making sure that when I do select in Continent "America", all countries outside of that scope on the column Country cannot be selected from the dropdown).

Is there an efficient way to do that, and to cascade it across different reports to be filled by all the different persons in a more personal way? Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for any information!


  • Community Champion

    Hello @Adrià Termes,

    You can do this with forms using conditional logic, but to accomplish this, you would need separate Country columns for each option in Continent.

    If you want to apply this to reports it will be more difficult as you the dropdown options in a given column can't be influenced by what you choose in some other option (at least in a practical way, you could do it with the API but users would have to wait/refresh every time they select something).

    If you have dynamic view this would be a bit more doable and would follow the same principles as the form logic.

    If you have to use reports you could do something like use conditional formatting to highlight an invalid value, or automations to clear out anything not appropriate.

    Hope this helps!

    School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

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