Report Builder to return only current and unique items

edited 07/12/24 in Smartsheet Basics

I am creating a working report based on bi-weekly reports we receive to identify if any new items (Primary column) meet our criteria and would require to be assigned in the project. I'm using the Report Builder but having some difficulty understanding to get the builder to return only the most recent items, if multiples are identified. The screenshot below, the items are filtered and confirmed all that need to apply are applicable. However, grouping them, there are several duplicates.

I would be very appreciative for some direction to only show the current and unique item numbers.



  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I would add a helper column to the sheet that flags the older duplicates then use that field as a filter.

  • Thank you for the feedback and that's what I initially thought and where I'm getting hung at. When you add a helper column, can we add it directly to the Report Builder? It would be so much easier if the Report Builder provided the ability to add a column and create a formula, but it does not allow me. It would seem counterproductive to add columns to each individual report sheet that's connected to the Report Builder.