Dashboards and Reports

I'm building a Project Office (PMO) with 80 projects and looking to build a project dashboard for all 80 projects. We would need 4 reports per project (project summary info, project plan, issue/risk log, and project contact list). I'd rather not develop 320 reports (80 projects x 4 reports).

Is there a way to do this more easily? We do have Control Center, just haven't fully utilized.


  • Philip Robbins
    Philip Robbins Community Champion

    @Pete Stack you would need to create a template set with your project dashboard and and the four projects feeding it. Stick them all in a folder along with the underlying sheets and then you can save your template folder as new to replicate them.

    That's the bog-standard way of doing it and a lot of people get by with manually created templates. But you have Control Center, so I would highly recommend using that to make your life easier. If you'd like to discuss what's involved in setting up a blueprint then let me know and I'd happy to have a chat with you about it.

  • Thank you, I think I know what to do. I'll give it a shot in Control Center and circle back with any questions.

  • Hi, without Control Center, is there a way to execute changes to the template which automatically applies that change to all the reports already created? E.g. if I decide I want to add one column to one report after I created the 80 folders, do I need to do it 80 times manually or is there a way to do it just once? thank you!