How do I subtract "break" time from my Time Tracking Columns?
I'm pretty far along on what I would have thought would be a normal function for a spreadsheet application called "Smart!" Anyway, I need to figure out the last steps in subtracting the break from the total hours worked. It shouldn't be hard as they are one of the following: 0:15; 030; 0:45 & 0:00 or 1:00, whichever that…
Project Membership in Resource Management by Smartsheet goes live!
Hi Community, I am excited to share a new feature we just launched called Project Membership! Project Membership enables admins to give stakeholders (co-project managers, executive sponsors, account executives, etc.) access to projects they are affiliated with or responsible for, all without creating an assignment for…
Resource Management tab not showing up in sheet
I have been able to do this before so I'm not sure what I'm missing this time. I have created a sheet that I am the owner for and it is in a workspace where I am an admin. It is a sheet that I want to add Resource Management to. When I try to edit the Project Settings that Resource Management tab is not showing up. I have…
Manpower Resource Loaded Schedule - SUMIFS Formula Help Needed
Hello, I have created a resource loaded schedule based on manpower in Smartsheets. I have a separate "Metrics Calculation" sheet where I am calculating the manpower per day and per department. However, I am having trouble performing the calculation using a SUMIFS function. Once this number is calculated, I want to roll…
Assignment of Exclusive Resource
Please pardon this newbie question. What is the best way to create list of workers - that will not be part of the Smartsheet user team - that can be treated as resource, whereas when assigned to a particular activity, cannot be assigned to another within the same period (week) until the previous assigned one is completed…
Resource Management Capacity View - Exclude Placeholders from Total Capacity
In Resource Management, the new Capacity view shows "Total capacity" and "Scheduled" hours. The scheduled field correctly shows the number of hours assigned to projects. However, the total capacity field includes the total hours of real staff PLUS placeholders. Because we use placeholders in projects to indicate needs that…
Managed Resources Error When Allocating to a Plan
Hello, We've added managed resources to Resource Management - they are clearly visible They are also clearly visible in our Smartsheet Account. The Smartsheet plan in question is linked to Resource Manager and is visible there. We can allocate the projects to Managed Resources in the Resource Manager Schedule View When we…
Unique IDs for time entries in Resource Management
Provide unique IDs for time entries in Resource Management so time entry exports can be referenced against each other.
Bridge by Smartsheet: Resource Management trigger
Hello, I am trying to create a workflow in bridge between Resource Management (to pull actual approved hours) and Smartsheet. There are not clear instructions on the different types of modules for the Resource Management step. For instance, I can get my workflow to run correctly IF I have a Smartsheet setup first (which…
Bridge workflow - unarchive a Resource Management Project?
I can see in the Bridge RM integration options where I can create, get and update an RM project. Also, within the update, I see where I can archive a project. However, I don't see that I can unarchive a project in the Bridge RM integration like I can through the RM user interface. Is it possible to unarchive an RM project…