Unhiding Individual Columns
Hello, Having to unhide all columns at once can be overwhelming for new users. From a developer stand point, it's horrible. I usually have to unhide all columns to develop automations and procedures through multiple sheets and reports. Just to properly set up a lookup function can be difficult for new employees who haven't…
Hiding/Unhiding Columns
Is there any way to select which columns to view and hide other than using the hide/unhide all columns options? The hide/unhide all is very inefficient for large sheets. Help! (I am thinking something similar to Access where you can seelct or deselect what you want to see?)
Hidden as a column attribute
It would be great if we could have a 'Hidden' checkbox attribute added to the Column definition in Sheets (with Name, Column Type, etc.). In many cases when we have Sheets with multiple helper columns that we would rather be hidden, I find that it is a time-consuming task to re-select the same columns to hide again after…
Make Hiding & Unhiding columns an Automation function
Perhaps my "search foo" is a bit rusty, but I could not find an existing suggestion for this specific issue, only several tangentially related suggestions. I believe this is pretty self-explanatory. I have sheets with several checkbox columns that are typically hidden, but often need to be unhidden to perform some action.…
Unhide all columns
I need to be able to unhide one single column. NOT ALL. Is there a feature where I can pick the column I need to view. We have weekly columns that go back 2 plus years. I do not need to see over 100 columns unhidden. The unhide all feature is not useful to our business.
Hide Unhide Columns
Hi @Genevieve P., @MMcLain, Last time I checked the Community Discussions on the subject of "hide unhide" under the categories of Smartsheet Basics or Product Feedback there were 1,076 posts about the subject going back over more than 5 years. It seems like some product improvements need to be delivered in this area! While…
Auto-Sorting sheet hacks
Hey guys! I've long been searching for a way to make one specific sheet auto-sort, without having to create individual reports. I know this has been a requested feature for ages and that it's in the works. I was curious if anyone has come up with any clever workarounds that can be used while we're all anxiously waiting? I…
Is it possible to get rows automatically sorted in a sheet as new rows are added?
I have several sheets where it would be incredibly useful for them to automatically sort as new rows get added & cells change. Is there a workflow I can set up to do this so it automatically sorts on some kind of timeline (daily, weekly, etc.)?
Default Sort setting
Hi, How can I set a default for sorting in a sheet? For example, I have a system "Modified Date" column, and I want the sheet to ALWAYS sort by descending order, i.e. the most recently modified on top. I want the sort setting to stay even when refreshed, and when I'm editing in the sheet that the modified row will…
Error: There was an error submitting the form.
I am getting an error when I submit the form. The error says " There was an error submitting the form. Please try again. If the problem continues, contact the owner of this form". I have checked the automation and all the fields with logic. They all looks fine to me and earlier everything was working. Today, when tested…