こんばんは。いつもお世話になっております。 使用しているシートの「列名」と「列の説明」を簡単にエクセルへエクスポートすることはできないでしょうか。 「列名」は「シートのエクスポート」操作で抽出できるのですが、「列の説明」を一つ一つコピペするのが大変です…。 何か良い方法があれば教えてください。
Remove smartsheet email in mod by column?
Hello, Simple question that im guessing is no but is it possible to stop or remove the automation@smartsheet.com from showing whenever an automation happens? I have a modified by column and it doesn't really do anything if it always says automation instead of the actual person who modified it.
From ESRI GIS to Smartsheet
I came across many articles regarding connection from Smartsheet to GIS, but I'm interested in getting attributes out of GIS and into Smartsheet. We have many program administrators need information from GIS and manipulate it to create and track projects.
Automatically move rows within a single sheet
I pulled a template for a Team Productivity Hub (https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=f29e0f2c058f4563853d6497ce554bcc) from the solution center and the sheet for tasks had originally moved completed tasks to the "completed" hierarchy automatically, but now that i've made copies for my team and input some formulas…
Deleting Rows - Any Way to Get them Back?
So I have been deleting rows for project notes and now I am told I should have been moving the rows to a new sheet instead, so the history is there. Is there any way to get the rows back? I can see in the history, but cannot see the rows data in there. Is there another way?
Sheet Compare to highlight differences
The ability to compare sheets that have a similar layout and list differences between them. I know using Control Center and Global Updates to rollout projects and project changes will solve this issue but I have current/legacy projects that were manually created. It would be awesome if I could compare sheets in an attempt…
Increasing issue with corrupted sheets
Is anyone else having issues with specific sheets not being accessible? I now have two sheets that throw the "An error has occurred in Smartsheet" failure text. Smartsheet was unable to recover the first sheet where this happened and we were forced to rebuild the sheet and 20+ reports associated with it. I now have a…
Reports Not Updating
I've been having issues for over 2 weeks where my reports aren't refreshing. It might take hours. Even manually refreshing the reports does not work. New information on the sheets do not get pulled by the reports. This is causing issues with my whole business. When is this going to be fixed?
Expand The Manage References Pop-Up Menu
When managing references in a sheet, the menu that pops up to begin editing/duplicating/deleting cross-sheet references is incredibly hard to work with. The box that pops up does not allow the user to expand the bounds of the menu - vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Ideally, building the menu out with functionality…