sheet ownership transferred over without owner accepting request
Someone who I made admin of a sheet I created was able take ownership of this sheet without me accepting the request. This has happened before without even a request submitted to take ownership and I don’t understand how is this possible, did anybody experience this as well? The same admin was able to take ownership of…
cannot download attached files
The sheet that I have shared with a colleague has attached mp4 files but he cannot download them. The download option is grayed-out. His permissions are set to: Editor-can share. When he clicks to download, it asks him to log in with his Google account (as shown in the screenshot). Does anyone know how I can change…
Grouping Tabs
Sorry if this has been asked and answered, but..... Is there a way to have all the sheets in a workspace (or by some other means) open simultaneously (think excel "workbook" with mutiple "worksheets").
Linked Cells with Numeric Value not working in Chart Widget
Hi, I have a roll up of numbers for the total of checkboxes checked off in our main data sheet. I've linked that totaled value into a separate sheet via the link cell capability. That is somehow not getting charted, and is showing up as "Invalid data"? What am I doing wrong?
VLOOKUP is data type of TEXT instead of DATE - sorting is off
I am currently creating an report which looks up dates based on specific milestone tasks over a number of project sheets. When the vlookup calculation is entered and I hit the Return key, is it giving me an alert that the value is not in date format. Being the admin, I am able to override this. But when sorting, it sorts…
Using One Checkbox to Check Another
We have a task sheet that uses 3 checkbox columns (Sent, Received or Done, N/A). We have a formula that counts the number of tasks and how many are completed based on the Received or Done column. We are trying to make it so if the N/A box is checked, it automatically checks of the coinciding Received or Done box. Please…
Automating RYG balls
I would like to automate the RYG balls in my sheet to turn “Green” if the Due Date is in the future, “Yellow” if the Due Date is today, and “Red” if the Due Date is in the past. Is this something Smartsheet can do?
Filter - Add new checkbox, Include Children
In the filter section of Smartsheet I would like an option to include children (another checkbox). Currently you can check to Include Parent, but in my case the parent holds the status for all of the children.
Any way to stop lines from being automatically added?
I'm setting up budget docs for several people, and Smartsheet automatically adds lines to every sheet. Unless the budget owner is paying attention, this will screw up one of the formulas. Is there any way to turn this feature off?
Add Forms Button to Sheet UI
It would be beneficial to have a Forms button on the right side sheet UI border. Similar to the Attachments, Comments and Update Requests buttons. Thanks,