Getting our corporate colour pallet loaded in smartsheet
Hi - is there a way to get our corporate brand colours loadeded in SmartSheet as the colours are very limited in the tool today. We also have to export to excel and apply our themes to it. I want to get away from this goining forwrard. Please help!
Generate list of recently updated sheets
I would like to have a quick readout of the five or ten most recently updated sheets from WorkspaceA or WorkspaceA --> Folder5 I can build a report that grabs all of the sheet rows by updated in the last 30 or 60 or 3000 days, but how can you get a list like: * FinanceSheetXYZ updated Yesterday by John Smith *…
Checkbox columns
Hello, I am trying to have a mandatory field in a sheet based on checkboxes. Basically I want 2 columns, one of them will be a checkbox and if that checkbox is selected, I want the second column to be a mandatory field and be filled out. Ideally my second column will be a Yes/No dropdown but I understand this might not be…
Row numbers to a dashboard
We monitor the number of requests that come into 3 different Smartsheet forms week over week... i created a dashboard to show the requests within the past 7 days, but i need the rows to tally... even if the row number shows up on the dashboard itself, that works - i can simply see that 45 rows were created in the last…
Why we have a Business plan with 100 users/collaborators and the system is asking me for more licenses when sharing a Workplace with few peoples. Our Business plan has 3 Licenses. account wj@toperbee.com
Including FIND in COUNTIF
I would like to use COUNTIFS when two conditions are true * The value in College = "ED" * The text [Development Category] contains the word "Build". EXAMPLES THAT COUNT: College = "ED", [Development Category] = "Build OL only" College = "ED", [Development Category] = "Build BL only" EXAMPLES NOT TO COUNT: College = "ED",…
Ability to reorder list of sheets in left menu
When I am working on a sheet, every time I want to go to a different sheet I have to sit and study the list to find the one I want to go to. It is a waste of time and very frustrating. It would be SO helpful if I could put the list of sheets in the order I want them in. And have them stay in that order, unless I move one.
Delay between Sheet and Report
I have several rollups and am having trouble today where when something is updated on a sheet it is taking quite a while to update across to my rollup reports. I noticed this when I added a dropdown option and again when I received an email update about a new item. I could see the item in the sheet but not the rollup. I…
Setting Alerts At A Row Level Using A System Column
We are trying to set up the sheet so that when a particular task is checked off as "Received or Done" it sends an Alert to the correct team member. We have a systems column to allow us to set it up to be row specific to the task, but it isn't working. Please see the screenshot below. Thank you in advance for any help…
Adding Rows in a sheet
When adding rows to a sheet, why does the Dashboard graphs not recalculate the graphs with the new rows? Seems the only way to fix this is to back in the graph and select the new data rows. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks David