Scanning a Barcode
Does anyone currently know if smartsheet is capable of capturing data from a bar code?
Column Tooltips
I am looking for a way to have tooltips on column headers in a sheet. The reason is say you have a large sheet that is being used for data collection. Some of the fields people may not understand exacly what you are looking for, so having a way to put in a tip or description would be great.
Smartsheet with series of dates representing milestones acheived
i have Smartsheet with series of dates representing milestones acheived. Users enter dates as when they have completed each milestone, How do i measure days between these dates and then put into a dash board /charts depicting what the average days between each point is at each milestone. eg Date of request1 - date of…
Cell Text in Form Title/Description
Is it possible to pull values from a sheet into a form? See screen shot for more information. Thank you
Approvals, Updates and Deleting Attachment in a Webform during Update
HI there. I am only a month old Smartsheet user and currently under the Business Plan. i am building the New Hire Request Form for our company and I came across with problem in the multiple approval as well as the things to do before a request will be approved. When the requestor filled up the request form, it will prompt…
COUNTIF Formula for when a cell contains a specific word/phrase?
I'm trying to create a formula that allows me to count the number of times the word "Postcard", for example, appears in a list in a column. I am referencing a column in another sheet to do so. However, nothing I've tried works. My instinct was to try =COUNTIF({2018 Open Enrollment Feedback Range 1}, "Postcard"). However,…
Unhide Columns (Selective)
Not sure if this was a previous discussion item, but wondering if there is a selective way to unhide certain columns, or is just the all option. Problem being I have large amount hidden and at times just want to revert back and unhide one or two. Thanks in advance, Tom
Number of users active in a sheet at one time
I'm new to the community. I'm sure this question has been asked many times before, but I cannot find a suitable answer: Is there a limit to the number of users that can be active / accessing a sheet at the same time?
Back ups
Hi, Is it possible for one person to be able to back up and schedule future back ups for the whole of our organisation? I have figured individuals can do this but i would like to put the responsibility into one department and under one person? I would be grateful of any information regarding this. Regards Dave