Starting a task based off of a column selection
Sorry if this is covered elsewhere and if it is can someone send me a link? Basically we are setting a sheet and are hoping to auto add a child row based off a column selection. Ideally we could choose what if any to prefill in it but even just being able to get a child row to auto add would be a huge help.
From one pipeline to another
Hi there, I have a new business pipeline we use for prospective accounts we are working on. Depending on what happens we either win, lost or are still waiting to hear - these three options are drop down boxes. They are also RGY colour coded. Is there a way to send a line to another sheet (pipeline)? I.e. if we are…
Modeling uncertainty: "Expected Value" for staff allocations on future potential projects?
My company is a consulting firm that must manage an uncertain project flow. We use one Smartsheet per project, creating a new project smartsheet whenever we submit a project proposal. However, there is always uncertainty as to whether we will actually get any particular project. We definitely don't have a 100% success…
Personalising Smartsheet view on my sheet but not on collaborators
Hi, I have got a sheet which a number of people are using and collaborating on. What I want to do is to be able to personalise my sheet so that i only see the thiugs which i am interested in. But i dont want this to then change on the collaborators screen. Is there a way that each person on the sheet can have their own…
Add %completion from Blank sheet
Hi, I am a very new user. I add a new project based on BLANK sheet. How can I add a new colum for "% of completion" ? Thank you.
Error in application - no access to sheet or input forms
formName: ajax formAction: fa_loadContainer serverStatus: false serverStatusText: CriticalException errorCode: 6 I spoke to the Smartsheet support team who advised me a couple of hours later that this has been resolved and would take up to 4 hours to begin working again, which is subsequently did. A couple of hours after…
Integrate with Team Foundation Server
I use a Sheet to track features that are listed in our Team Foundation Server. I am constantly trying to keep the features on my sheet sychronized with the entries into TFS. Is there anyway to communicatie to TFS so that I can always be in synch?
Advanced Action Item Tracking
Hi Everyone, Is it possible to take Meeting Action Items across multiple projects and consolidate the Action Items into one view in an automated fashion for a person? Let's say I have five projects that I take action items for in individual sheets. I would like to have one master sheet for that shows a global view of all…
expired trial to member of team plan
i apologize in advance if this was asked before, but i didn't find it in the forum yet. i have a user that was on a trial to gain access to a sheet that she is one of many users of this particular sheet. Her trial expired and i sent her an invite (used her same email address) from our team account, but it was not as a…
Typing stops when cursor is moved away from the cell
Recently I have noticed that in some of my sheets I am unable to type into cells once the mouse cursor is moved away from the cell. For example: 1. I double-click into a cell and can see the typing cursor flashing in it. 2. I type on the keyboard and see the text appearing as you'd expect. 3. Without clicking anything, I…