With Excel, we can enter a column name, and create a line break with the Alt-Enter key combination. How can we get the same effect (one or more lines in the column names) with Smartsheet?
We have a particular sheet in which we're attaching short audio clips. However, I know that audio can eat up space rather quickly, so I'm wanting to know how much space that particular sheet is using.…
I have a sheet which contained among other things a column which had abbreviated shortnames for countries... like IN for India, AU for Australia... At certain rows, it has also been updated as IND & A…
All, I am using Smartsheets to track time, and have run into an issue that I have to believe there is a workaround for. We need our associates to track their time with specific job and client IDs. Thi…
I am trying to make a rule that when I am finished with a cell and change a status on that cell it will then transfer it to another sheet. In short when I am finished with a project and have collecete…
In the Home tab, how can I locate sheets in different folders or workspaces*? For example I would like to be able to access a sheet from any folder "Geographic\USA" and "Pharma\Dermatology" because, s…
My Smartsheet keeps resetting to a seemingly random sort order each time I save. I've manually resorted the sheet using two criteria (the main column--Author--then another column--Title) but when I sa…
Can't figure this one out. Hoping someone can help. I have 6 sheets for various projects we are working on. Each sheet has at least one level of heirarchy and some have up to 3 (parent/child/grandchil…
Is there a convenient way to assign a fixed reference to a record that remains the same even if new rows are added or deleted anywhere above the record? Something like linking cells from another sheet…
Is there a way to set a default view when I open a sheet? If I only want some children rows displayed and others collapsed, can I set a specifc default layout that will open that way everytime I open …