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Link sheets so when "checked" it adds to another sheet




Is there any way that I can use a check box to then add an item to another sheet?




  • Peter Kirkham

    I'm not sure if this would be possible Harrison. I think what you are looking for is functionality such that when you check a checkbox, an action for 'Send Row' to another sheet would be triggered. However I don't believe that kind of functionality is accessible.


    A brute-force workaround might be to link all the rows you are interested in to another sheet and then apply a filter on the checkbox column (I think you could even then hide that column if you wanted to). When you select the checkbox in the source sheet, it would then appear visible in the linked destination sheet. Might not be what you are looking for though, and certainly wouldn't work if you added new rows to the source sheet.



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    There are third party apps which utilizes our API for automated tasks like this. Zapier can copy row contents to another sheet and Azuqua can copy or move a row. Both services can trigger the flow when a checkbox is checked. Both are paid but Zapier is cheaper and offers a free version which could be all you would need. 


    The simpler option would be as Peter suggestion and to use the Move Row to Another Sheet option when you right click on the row number. 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm using the free version of Zapier so far - it moves project quotes to project invoices since they typically have the same data.

    If I get enough projects, I'll need the paid version of Zapier and I would be OK with that. :)



  • I have Zapier and I am trying to get this to work for me.  I have a prospect sheet and a column with a sold heading as a checkbox.  I want to move from prospects sheet to welcome sheet when the box is checked.  The options for Zapier doesn't limit it to just the checkbox.  The conditions or triggers are updated row, new row, new attachment or a new comment.  I don't know how to make this work.  How did you get it to function? 


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    You will need the paid plan because you will want to use multi-step Zaps.

    Trigger on Updated Row

    Filter (a Zapier app) on the check box

    Action Move Row


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