V-LookUp to see if the same number ID is found in two separate sheets
Is there a formula that would check if the number ID in one sheet is also found in a separate sheet?
Phone Numbers and Street Addresses turn to Blue Font but only on Phone App
Hello, We have an interesting issue where all the phone numbers and street addresses we enter in a given row turn to blue font, but ONLY if viewing on the phone app. No matter what we do, we cannot figure out how to override this. It's an issue because a large majority of our conditional formatting relies on the use of…
Copy/Paste Permission Issue
I have a member of my team that attempted to copy/paste some information from a sheet where his permission level is "Editor - can share" to another sheet where his permission level is the exact same, but was told he could not. Full disclosure we have a workspace and that is his default permission level so anything added…
Create New Sheet from Report Results
It would be handy to have a mechanism for creating a new sheet from the results of a report. I envision an option in the report menu "Save Results as New Sheet" where you would be prompted to give the new sheet a name and then the report's columns and their contents (as static values) would fill out the new sheet. This…
Merging several form questions into one column
Hi! I have created a form but am having some issues with how fields from the form are collected and reported to employees. The form is a sign-in for sessions. Attendees select their presenter from several lists (e.g. A - C, D - F). These presenter fields are set up as Contact Lists and linked to our users, and each form…
Webform options disappear
I have a Smartsheet with a webform and users are noticing that some of the drop-down options for one of the questions disappears. I have had to re-add the option several times in order to bring it back to the webform. Has anyone else had this issue?
Date Format in forms
Hi SS Community I use Smartsheet in Australia and use the appropriate date format for my sheets (image 1) with the correct personal regional settings (image2). However, when I use a form from my sheet to input data it shows the US date format (image 3) which has confused some of my users. Is there a setting to ensure date…
Hourly view on Gantt View
Hi there, We have a project with vehicles moving across multiple locations and would like to keep tract of their activity by the hour. We don't so much need to track their GPS location as much as, Car # 1 is in Town A, and then needs to go to Town B for 2 hours, then return to Town A. Gantt view would be very effective for…
CountIF for a multi-select drop-down
Hello, I'm using a column to track what each row requires as a next step in the project. In some cases a row will need both say "requirement A" and "requirement B", therefore I'm using a multi-select dropdown because it makes the most sense for me. In the sheet summary tab, I want to be able to count how many rows need…
Form Entries are Negative
Weekly I have about 15 sites completing the form linked below. The issue, I have roughly two random users each week entering a negative one into the form. One user who is pretty savvy indicated the form is defaulting to a negative one. https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/ebc99e53148a4a479060b3d695321030 I have NOT setup any…