Core App vs Core Product certification
Hello everybody, I am interested in learning more om how Smartsheet works and therefore looked at certifications. I took the free course in the Smartsheet university and got the free Core App badge. Now my question : What is the difference in terms of content/things to know between the Core App certification (the one which…
Does the system administrator certification include the new user subscription platform?
I have already purchased the exam was was going to take it soon. Now I see another learning path for User subscription model. Just want to know what to prepare for. Thank you
Core Product Certification - Exam Prep - Missing link
On the Exam Prep Resources, under Domain 3: Automation, Edit Duplicate or Delete a Workflow seems to have a dead link. Anyone know where I can find the correct link? Thanks!
Core Product Certification Renewal - Report PDUs
Hello, I completed 12 PDUs to renew my core product certification, but I don't see anywhere that I can report the PDUs, or formally renew this certificate. In looking at my profile, it doesn't show that the certification expires (below), but I know it has to be renewed each year, I just don't know how. Does it…
what happens if I lose Internet during the Core Product certification exam?
New Badge - Control Center Lead Certification
It would be awesome if there was a Community badge for the new Control Center Lead Certification!
how to delete all the rows of a sheet using python at once
I am trying to build an automation that updates an excel file to smartsheet once I run it. I have build that program but issue i am facing is that they are getting updated below the previous one. So I want to delete the rows first .Is there any way to do it without requiring row id.?
Which learning path should I use for certification?
Good morning, I am aiming to take my certification exam for work but am unsure if I should go with the eLearning Self Paced Course or the Core App Instructor Lead Course. Some posts suggest one way and some suggest another. What should I do?
Project Management Certification Study Guide - are the "path" links needed to pass the exam?
Hello! I'm currently studying in preparation for the Project Management Certification exam. Having learned from the Core Exam experience, I'm focusing my studies on the suggested learning material (https://smartu.smartsheet.com/page/project-management-certification-resources). The material so far has been the expected…