Smartsheet Certification and Email Signatures

Hi Everyone!

I have a question for those of you who have their Smartsheet Certification: Do any of you include the Credly badge in your email signature? I just received my certification, and if I make the badge a more email-friendly signature size, it's super fuzzy and not legible. Is anyone aware of a more simplistic way to display the badge or is there an acronym that can be used?


  • Matt Johnson
    Matt Johnson Community Champion

    Hi @Wendy Lynne B Carris

    That's a great idea and I haven't seen it too often though. What I do see occasionally is a link to the person's Credly page so when you click on it you get to see all their badges. For me, we have company wide signature blocks and not everyone has a Credly page so I'm out of luck.


    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • Hi @Matt Johnson

    Thanks for the insight! I like the link to the personal Credly page option. When they link to their Credly page what type of verbiage do they use for the link? For example, are they saying something similar to "Click here for Credly badges"?

  • Matt Johnson
    Matt Johnson Community Champion

    I think it depends on their role and vibe of the company. What you have there sounds good. Or I might have seen it where its like their name and then under that is just the words "LinkedIn | Credly" like that and clicking on each of them takes you to that account page for that person. But then we're starting to get into the conversation of how much is too much in a signature. And, if Credly badges can appear in LinkedIn with other certifications that aren't in Credly, maybe you want people to check out your LinkedIn page to cover all bases with a link to Credly from there if people want to learn more about those specific badges.

    I hope that helps.


    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • Isis Taylor
    Isis Taylor ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    The Credly link is a good idea, but I have seen some that display the actual badge which I think is cool too.

    Isis Taylor

    🎓️ Core App and Project Management Certified 🏅

    🌟Peer Connect, Mobilizer, and Early Adopter Program

    Business Analyst Senior