Status Change if Column Checked
Hi everyone, I need some help with a formula that just doesn't want to work for me. Currently my status column changes according to the {Proof Approval - Kim} column. It works fine (formula shown below) Now I want to add on to this formula so, if the column {Out For Approval} is checked, I want the status to change from…
Search Projects as Per RYG status
Hi, I looking for solution or moreover a formula to get a project name back as per RYG status. But i am getting problem, i have a same RYG for more then one projects. For example: i want a list of projects As RYG "RED", the selection has to show me 2 projects in retuen Project 1 Red Project 2 Green Project 3 Yellow Project…
Formula returning a blank cell
I have been trying to figure this out for hours with no luck. We've created a formula to automatically update our status column in our project plan sheets. We have specific parent rows that are designated as milestones. The milestone row status cells should update based on the status of the child rows. A milestone row is…
T-shirt size icons for visual icons?
Would love to have S/M/L T-shirt icons to visually look at sizing. This would be helpful as a project manager and on a scrum team
If cell is empty or blank,
Hi, I have currently formulated the following formula, =IF([Days (Difference Forecast - Baseline)]1 <= 5, "Green", IF(AND([Days (Difference Forecast - Baseline)]1 > 5, [Days (Difference Forecast - Baseline)]1 <= 10), "Amber", "Red")) which is working efficiently, but problem occurs when the cell is empty, and it show me…
Resource allocation not matching project sheet allocation
A member of my team is allocated resource on a project. The issue is that although they are only allocated to 85% on this project/task, it is showing as 100% in my resource view. I only have view access to the sheet and cant change that but am confused as to why this would be doing this
COUNTIFS a range with multiple assigned groups
Hello all, I am trying to COUNTIF a range that includes multiple assigned groups in some cells. I would like to count rows that include "Dept 1". There is one row in particular that contains two assigned groups - "Dept 1" and "Dept 2" - that is not being counted This is my formula: =COUNTIF({Sheet Range 4 - Department},…
RAG Status - Formula
Hi, I have currently formulated the following formula, =IF([% Committed to Date]1 - [Project Status %]1 < 0.25, "Green", IF(AND([% Committed to Date]1 - [Project Status %]1 >= 0.25, [% Committed to Date]1 - [Project Status %]1 <= 0.75), "Amber", "Red")) which is working efficiently, but problem occurs it shows me the…
OpenSSL.SSL.Error: [('SSL routines', 'ssl3_read_bytes', 'sslv3 alert handshake failure')]
Please advise: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/venv/sheetconnector35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.py", line 441, in wrap_socket cnx.do_handshake() File "/opt/venv/sheetconnector35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/OpenSSL/SSL.py", line 1716, in do_handshake self._raise_ssl_error(self._ssl,…