Contact support chat feature
We have an enterprise account and only just noticed this a week ago. Does anyone know when this feature was implemented and is it a live chat session or chatbot driven? Thanks
Expand Support Case Description Text Box
Problem: The Support Case description text box only displays 3 lines with no capability to expand beyond this limit. This makes it difficult to reread and edit previously typed text. The scroll bar moves the cursor to the top or bottom of the box at a speed that is not readable. Using the cursor and arrow key is the other…
Expand Support Case Record View of the Subject Field Title
Problem: The Subject field title in the list of support cases only displays 23 characters, which makes it difficult to identify the cases without opening the entire record one at a time. Some cases contain similar, but not identical subject descriptions. This is a time consuming process, particularly when looking for a…
Has anyone else had issues with the new Contact Support chat box?
I clicked "Contact Support" and a blank chat box appeared. I could not see any text I entered. When I clicked "Download transcript", I could see the text and apparently someone had responded but I could not see it. Furthermore, after clicking to download the transcript, the chat box disappeared and I had to close to enter…
Sheet summary report not showing all columns
So i was trying to edit a sheet summary report that was built from someone prior to me and i was struggling to make the necessary changes so ive made a new summary report, however, i am running into the same issues. For some reason the column options in the sheet summary report are not all of the options that should be…
How to count criteria in a multi-select column
I have a sheet that tracks the priority level of funding requests and I am trying to formulate a metric that 1) counts the number of requests under a particular priority level and 2) only counts the request if it is under a particular Division Group. The issue I am running into is that the priority levels are multi-select,…
Chart widget not graphing dates correctly
I am trying to graph the costs spent on projects per month in th dashboard using the chart widget. The problem is when the project goes into the next year instead of setting the first months spend ahead the last month in the last years spend it moves it to be next to the same month in the previous year as seen in the…
Return latest value from another column's latest rows
Hello, I have a sheet in Excel I'd like to move to smartsheet to work with a client's team. The only problem I have is with the fields "Previous Cumulative Partner Discount" and "New Cumulative Partner Discount" as they have formulas that involve each other column in theirs and in Smartsheet it returns the circular…
Export selected rows only to excel
Hello, is it possible to export only the filtered rows to excel? When doing the export, it will hide the rows that were filtered, but they will still be in the excel so if I try to copy and paste or create a mailmerge, the excel will also pick up the hidden rows. Alternatively, is it possible to do a mailmerge via word…
Smart Sheet Use for Project Management - Meeting Agenda (w/ Form) to Action Item Tracking (Per Proj)
Hello everybody, First time poster. I've searched the forum to find a solution, but I wasn't successful, so decided to create my own post. I'm new to smart sheet, so would appreciate help in getting a solution for my workflow. Just as some additional information - we currently have numerous live projects at any one time,…