How to prevent the auto adding blank rows ?
Hi all, Smartsheet keep adding new blank rows to the bottom of the sheet even though if they are deleted manually . Is there away to prevent the auto inserting new blank rows ?
Index/Match/Max Function Issues
@Paul Newcome @Andrée Starå I am having issues matching a cell value from my project status column. My goal is to reference my most recently updated (max modified cell) data entry and return that value in the selected cell. My current formula for reference: =INDEX([Project (Schedule) Status]3: [Project (Schedule)…
Dashboard Template
I have multiple projects that have their respective project schedule sheets and I created a dashboard of one project. I was wondering if there was a way to make a template of that dashboard so that I could make the same dashboard for all of my individual projects.
Formula to calculate difference between projected and actual dates
I have a project schedule where I have projected and actual dates for most of the deliverables, and I need to track the faster project path. Is there a formula that can automatically select the earlier date between the projected submit date and actual submit date? Is there a formula that will automatically select the…
How to project a completion date with predecessors and durations
I am building out Engineering project plans. I'd like to be able to pre-plan the work out by using predecessors and approximate durations. However, if the first line item in the plan does not yet have an end date the predecessors/duration will not calculate to give a projected end date for the project. I had a call with…
Vacation & Time-Off Management
Has anyone used smartsheet to manage time-off requests and/or vacation for a pool of staff (approx. 200)?
Kickstarter Campaign
I'm interested in running a Kickstarter campaign and haven't done one before... has anyone on here ever ran a campaign for a tangible product development project and tracked it in Smartsheet? Would you be willing to share some insight and maybe some tips on setting it up?
PMO Template Set - Need another level of folders
Hello Gurus, We are in the process of implementing the Smartsheet PMO solution from the template set. We've done some customizations and we think this is really going to meet our needs. One thing we do need is the ability for each PM to see a dashboard for just the projects they are managing. In the template set there is a…
Template with shortcut buttons for common operations
Hello, I want to create a template whereby I define a bunch of rows (for example, "bread," "fruit," "dairy") and some columns (eg "serving size," "calories," "price," "perishable"). I want the user of the template to add one or more rows nested one level under each food category, eg: "pita," "rolls," and "biscuits" as rows…
Our newest template set, Vaccination Tracking, has just been published to Solution Center!
Organizations authorized to administer vaccinations during a period of great demand face an uphill battle; the requirement to precisely track, manage, and report on individual records, while facilitating a high-volume request intake process, is unprecedented. With the Vaccination Tracking template set, organizations can…