Identify Time Zone
Hi; I have a sheet that users captures information in, I have a column that records the modified date time, so the column is type of modified. Example Sheet1: Descrption , value , ModifiedDate abc , 123, 2024-01-01 10:50 <--- date time shown in Sheet ex GMT+2 Example Sheet2: Item Name , Value, ModifiedDate abc , 123,…
Merged: record time in automation
This discussion has been merged.
Put a pause on calculating SLA
Hello, I manage a RAID log for my team. I want to calculate SLA for each issue. I don't want to calculate if the case is checked in IT column and if it's status is "Cancelled", here is my current formula: =IF(AND(Status@row = "Cancelled", IT@row = 1), 0, IF([Closed Date]@row > TODAY(), NETWORKDAYS([Created on]@row,…
Daily Time Tracking
Hello All, I am working on a Smartsheet that will allow us to calculate time worked over the course of a day for a group of union employees. I've built out some of the functionality but am running into trouble when it comes to employees working from one day into the next. I currently have several groups of columns that…
Invalid Value in Date / Time Calculation
First some background, this is not a consistent outcome, and there is more than a single calculation involved. The Hypercare Ticketing system calculates SLA times and was a bear to build as it is based on Ticket Priority and time. We don't run 24 hours, so had to calculate over 'next day'. That is just the background. What…
Best Practices/Work Arounds for the lack of "elapsed" and "months" options
I want to open the discussion in this industry forum because I'm certain this would be a group of folks that regularly encounter this short coming. The inability to put "edays" in the predecessors column leads me to a ton of extra rows that serve no purpose other than being a way to get "# edays" in the duration column so…
Need formula syntax help resolving unparsable error
So, not going to lie, I had to resort to chatgpt for this one after spending 2 weeks, banging my head on this (Got in over my head skill-wise with this one). I've already resolved a few issues I identified using answers to other questions here, but now I'm stuck. I think it has something to do with the nested OR() AND()…
Add Multiple Conditions to Conditional Formatting
We would like to request the ability to add multiple conditions to a Conditional Formatting rule. For example: If Step="Backlog" and Flag=Yes, mark row orange.
How to track training hours across an organization
Hi, I need suggestions for how to track training hours for all employees. Each employee has a separate training sheet - it's broken out by training section with training items underneath. One of the columns on this sheet is Duration - this is used to track how many hours are needed for that training task. I need to create…
Restricting a formula to a certain timeframe.
Hi There, I have a Smartsheet and Form that we use to calculate how long a person was checked into a function to account for down time. Since Smartsheet is not very good with calculating time it took some creativity go get a formula to match up 2 different rows with the same information to calculate the amount of time…