Hi all, I researched through numerous posts and threads regarding calculating time but just couldn't figure out one last part. I hope it's an easy one for some experts here. I am trying to calculate t…
Hello, I have reviewed several posts on calculating time worked from in/out time entries. I tried to use one of the formulas previously presented (see screenshot), but I keep getting an Invalid Operat…
I want to be able to calculate the total length of time of all the video files in a sheet for the Sheet Summary. (to then be able to report across multiple sheets, populate in a dashboard etc). These …
I'm building a meeting agenda in a sheet, and I wanted to have a start time as the time portion of a date field, and then add durations for each section. Something like: Section Duration Time Intro 5m…
Hi We are trying to use Gantt chart, for planning a project timeline. We have expected start, actual start, planned end date and actual end date, because sometimes something gets in the way and we can…