Formula to calculate future annual date after initial maturity date has expired
I need to create a new column date in the future on an annual basis when the initial maturity date has expired. Below are the 3 columns I use to determine the initial contract end date based on effective date and the term. After the initial term the contracts then renew on an annual basis. Every contract period end date…
Copy rows automation (cross-sheet formulas involved)
I'm creating a semiautonomous preventative maintenance ticketing system (fleet oil changes, tire rotations, etc.) that copies rows to a sheet for our mechanic based on when a piece of equipment needs the service. The copy row automation is set to trigger when the mileage gets within 150 miles of scheduled service miles.…
Why isn't our column formula updating on its own?
In our column formula, we have a date formula based on TODAY(), however, it does not seem to update automatically when the month changes. How do I get it to update automatically at the beginning of the month?
How to include specific cell data in an automated email?
I've set up an automated workflow to send an email to our team when specific cells have changed (a contract's name & billing code are entered in separate cells). These cells are on different rows. I'd like the email to include a message like "Please use billing code {{Contract's Billing Code}} for work associated with…
Formula for Finding ISBN Numbers
I wanted to share a Formula / Method for validating ISBN numbers since I didn't see any discussions or suggestions on how to go about, I thought I would make a post here for if anybody wanted it or had discussion ideas on it. I was recently tasked with creating a book request form where users would need to submit ISBN…
How to display "closest matching" rows based on an "input" row?
Hello all! I've been building out what is essentially a database to track information related to customer orders of a specific product. The product is essentially custom tailored firmware - specifically, automotive engine tuning files. Most of the information is provided by a customer through a form, some is manually input…
Workflows: copying values from one cell to another within the same sheet
Hello! I have a quick question regarding copying and inputting data. I am aware that rows can be moved or copied into other sheets via workflows. However, is it possible to create a workflow automation that copies/replicates data in "Cell A" into "Cell B"? The column properties of all the cells are set to Text/Number. I…
Simple workflow not working? Moving rows to new sheet on a trigger
Hello! I'm trying to use a simple workflow to move rows to another sheet once the checkbox is clicked. It removes the row from the sheet but doesn't move the row to the other sheet. Here's the workflow I have set up: Seems like it should be really simple but it's not working for some reason? I could be missing a small…
IF Statement between Ranges
Hello, I am not sure what i am doing wrong in the formula =IF([Current Risk Score]@row < 15, "36 Months", IF([Current Risk Score]@row > 70, "3 Months", IF(AND([Current Risk Score]@row > 16, [Current Risk Score]@row < 29, "12 Months", IF(AND([Current Risk Score]@row > 30, [Current Risk Score]@row < 50, "6 Months"))))))…
Workflow to Automate Document Generation?
What's the simplest process for using "Document Generation" when a new "Form" is submitted? Does anyone have a workflow that can automate this process without the need for a "Gatekeeper" or someone manually generating the row-level document after the form is submitted? Example - We have a PDF form that requires a signature…