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Re: Nominate Peak Humans & get a badge!
Of course @Genevieve P. and @Paul Newcome both are gems.
Re: Heatmap in Resource Management
@Genevieve P. I have been working with it for a couple of days now. It is starting to look like a heat map. It does require some cleanup on our side. I am still trying to understand the filtering, as not all resources or projects show up; it is the way we set up projects and our laziness on our side because not every project is "filled out" as it should be. Overall, what I have seen will be very useful.
There are some things I would change or like to see added, and I will enter those into the system
Again, thank you for your help.
Re: How to identify row number in a sheet where new rows will be added
The above does work as long as the new row inserted has at least two rows with the formula in it above and/or below it. The built in auto-fill feature should pull it in.
A column formula version requires an auto-number column (called "Auto" in this example) and this would go inn the column that you want to hours the row number in:
=MATCH(Auto@row, Auto:Auto, 0)
Re: Is it possible to evaluate multiple predecessors and match to a cell value in another column?
Just an update on this, @Jason Tarpinian solution works great. We had a need to expand that to up to 10 predecessors. In order to do that, I had to add a comma as a delimiter between values and at the end of the final value. Then used the following formulas to extract the individual values (Used a column called Constraints for the entry of the multiple predecessor values):
Contraint 1: =IFERROR(LEFT(Constraints@row, FIND(",", Constraints@row) - 1), Constraints@row)
Constraint 2: =IFERROR(MID(Constraints@row, (FIND([Constraint1]@row, Constraints@row) + LEN([Constraint1]@row) + 1), (FIND(",", Constraints@row, (FIND(", ", Constraints@row, (FIND([Constraint1]@row, Constraints@row))) + 1))) - FIND(", ", Constraints@row, (FIND([Constraint1]@row, Constraints@row))) - 1), "")
Constraint 3: =IFERROR(MID(Constraints@row, IF(LEN([Constraint2]@row) <> 0, IF(LEN([Constraint2]@row) <> 0, FIND([Constraint2]@row, Constraints@row) + LEN([Constraint2]@row) + 1)), (FIND(",", Constraints@row, IF(LEN([Constraint2]@row) <> 0, (FIND([Constraint2]@row, Constraints@row) + LEN([Constraint2]@row) + 1))) - (IF(LEN([Constraint2]@row) <> 0, FIND([Constraint2]@row, Constraints@row) + LEN([Constraint2]@row) + 1)))), "")
Constraint 4: =IFERROR(MID(Constraints@row, IF(LEN([Constraint3]@row) <> 0, IF(LEN([Constraint3]@row) <> 0, FIND([Constraint3]@row, Constraints@row) + LEN([Constraint3]@row) + 1)), (FIND(",", Constraints@row, IF(LEN([Constraint3]@row) <> 0, (FIND([Constraint3]@row, Constraints@row) + LEN([Constraint3]@row) + 1))) - (IF(LEN([Constraint3]@row) <> 0, FIND([Constraint3]@row, Constraints@row) + LEN([Constraint3]@row) + 1)))), "")
For additional constraints, the formula for constraints 3 & 4 can be copied and modified. Definitely not a pretty solution, but it is working very effectively.
Hope this is helpful to others, have a great day!
Re: View activity of a certain user for a time period?
I hope you're well and safe!
There is a premium add-on called Event Reporting that might be helpful. Do you have access to it?
I hope that helps!
Be safe, and have a fantastic weekend!
Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD
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Re: Introduce yourself & get to know your peers!
Hi @SteCoxy 👋
We're happy to have you as a part of the Smartsheet Community. Love that you got to attend ENGAGE in London, and enjoyed the event! 😄
Re: I keep on getting an error that says that my formula contains a maximum number of different cross r
Hello @Nonkululeko
Changing the function will not help remove that error.
Your function is also adding ranges. I do not believe you can add ranges together without another function to analyze them like COUNT() or MAX()/MIN(). Correct me if I'm wrong.
The issue is that there are too many cross references into the sheet itself. You will need to consolidate the data further before using cross references or split the data into multiple sheets.
Re: best way to convert excel tracker to smartsheet
@SteCoxy not a bad idea and probably makes sense. Will give it a go actually… thank you
Re: How do I customize a request ID based on specific form selections?
Hey @Kelsee Katsanes,
I don't know if there's necessarily a way you can have each form selection have it's own count (ie if there's one submission for Content Management then another for QA, they would each start counting at 1), as there's no way to use a formula with the Auto-Numbering column, and you can't have more than 1 Auto-Number column per sheet.
What you could do is use the Auto-Numbering column as a helper column (with it having whatever auto-number settings you want), hide it, then have an actual Request ID column that joins the auto-number column and the dropdown selection:
=IF(Department@row = "Content Management", "CM" + [Request ID]@row, IF(Department@row = "Quality Assurance", "QA" + [Request ID]@row))
And use this for your actual used Request ID column.
Hope this helps!
Re: Nominate Peak Humans & get a badge!
I nominate the following
@Paul Newcome's knowledge of Smartsheet is top notch. His willingness to share that knowledge with those of the community never ceases to amaze me. He has assisted in a couple of solutions for myself. As well as his knowledge has showed up more times then I can count during research into any problem.
@Clare Cooper has shared her knowledge with me above and beyond what I would expect. More then once spending an Hour+ helping me with different formulas and functions needed to be able to achieve reports and dashboards.
Thank you both for all you do and have done.