Formatting Sights for Mobile Apps
We have some great Sights being used in the office space on large screens on the wall. We have recently started using the mobile app function also. However, the formatting is terrible. Is there a way I can set up the 'look' and formatting of my sight one way for the desktop and screen and another way for the mobile…
Relative Dates in Filters
Is it possible to set up a condition in a filter that includes a relative date like "Today" or "Tomorrow"? For instance, I want to only show rows where the Due Date is "Today" but when I come to work tomorrow, will that filter now have yesterday's date in it?
Turning "=year" value into 2 digit number and "=yearday" value into 3 digit number.
Hi there, With "=year()" function, I can get the year in 4 digit numbers and with "=yearday()" formula, I can get the day in 1 to 3 digit numbers. However, I am trying to combine them into 5 digit number ("YY" + "DDD") to automatically generate julian date. Since Smartsheet doesn't have the "=text()" function, I am not so…
Show "Task - Assigned To" in Calendar View
Hello wonderful people! Wondering if there is a way to show WHO a tast is assigned to in Calendar View. I have several Staff with tasks - in SS Gantt view everything is colour coded and is easy to read. When I switch to Calendar View the colours remain (as it should) but there is no mention to WHO the task is assigned to.…
Conditional Statements
Hi Everyone, I would like to as add formula to the start date and finish date of the task/project like, if the duration is less than 3days, the result will "rush fee applies" like a note. And, another formula is for language services or any other; language checks box yes or no if I click on yes those languages will appear…
Template Sheet With a Deadline Column
Hi there everyone! I wanted to ask if there is a tamplate with deadline dates. Where we work we send tasks to our drafters with 3days of work, some times they can end the task on 5days. And we wanted to track the total of days we gave them to work with and the dates they used to work on that task. Can someone help with…
Add comment/note to specific cell
Would love to see the feature that Excel has where you can add a note or comment to a specific cell, not just to an entire row. A lot of times you need to explain why you populated a cell a certain way, what assumptions were made, etc, and having those notes in the discussion column gets messy. I know you can create…
How to indicate required cells to be filled in
Good day, I have different columns that does only pertain to certain rows. How can I highlight/indicate which cells are required to be filled out? Or can I lock cells which columns entry are not required for certain row items? I tried conditional formatting. It takes a while though. And there is only AND functions and not…
Getting rid of recurring dialog box
How can I permanently get rid of the dialog box that pops up every time I go to a report page reminding me that "Your report is read-only until you upgrade to a plan that includes reports."? It's very annoying.
Can Smartsheets be used to provide assessments of businesses? If so, are there any recommended templates that could be used to accomplish this mission?