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Can Smartsheets be used to provide assessments of businesses?  If so, are there any recommended templates that could be used to accomplish this mission?


  • Hi Brett,  Thank you for your response.  These assessments could be financial, project or in this particular case, Healthcare Training and Resourcing to private businesses.  The idea is to go an assess needs of the organization as a whole, then design programs, philosophies, workflows, projects and trainings to fit those needs-using Smartsheets as the overall tool for efficiency in workflows and programs.  Outside of asking open ended questions that I already know, I was just wondering if Smartsheets or some of the business models of the community have come up with sort of a "best practice" type of assessment that could be tied to the use of Smartsheets.  Any suggestions you could give would be appreciated.  

  • Brett Evans
    Brett Evans ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Can you say more about what sort of assessment?  Financial...Projects...Sales? Smartsheet is very flexible and if you organize your criteria for analysis properly it can be a very useful tool.

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